Tuesday, 31 December 2013

bbm for android download

BlackBerry has updated its BBM apps for Android and iOS - with the firm adding features and support for additional devices.

bbmfor android download

BBM will now work on iPad and iPod devices running iOS 6 and iOS 7. The app also improves language support and allows users to search their social network accounts for friends who are using BBM.
The Android edition of the app now supports BBM Contact Categories, allows users to port contacts for social networks and fixes issues with high battery drainage.
Despite BlackBerrys struggles in the smartphone market, the firm has proved there is still demand for its BBM service with the as the app was downloaded 20 million times in the first week by Android and iOS users.
The smartphone maker claims that it now has 80 million people actively using the BBM service, although this is still someway short of the 300 million users of existing cross-platform service Whatsapp.

Andrew Bocking, executive VP of BBM at BlackBerry said he was happy with the numbers, but the firm will now focus on providing more services.
“From here on out, we will focus on active users of BBM and will no longer focus on simple download numbers," he said.

BBM is available as a free download in the Google Play market, Apple App Store and select Samsung App Stores. However, due to high demand for the app BlackBerry has been limiting access.
Users who signed up at BBM.com, will get a headstart and should be able to use BBM on their Android or iOS device immediately. Those who didn't sign up will have to register and wait for an email before they can activate the app.

bbm for android download

tags; bbm,bbm for android, bbm for android download,donload bbm for androi

Monday, 30 December 2013

how to install linux mint in vmware

 So, you've heard about this Linux thing and want to know what it's all about. While a die hard Windows user myself, there's some really good reasons to understand and use Linux.

I won't call Linux virus proof, because there's no such thing (with the exception of a mechanical cash register, that just barely qualifies as a computer), but you are far less likely to encounter Linux viruses than those for Windows or Mac OS.

Linux has the very distinct advantage of being largely free and open source, so updates are frequent and cost nothing. There's a world of excellent software available for the platform and tools to run Windows applications with some love and some work.

I'll be demonstrating the installation process for Linux Mint through a virtual machine using the very excellent and free VMWare Player.

download vmware
1) Download and install VMWare Player.

First, you'll want to visit VMWare.com and visit the Products section,
under Free Products for VMWare player.

Download VMWare Player for Windows and run the installer when it finishes downloading. The program is straight forward on its install and the defaults should all be perfectly OK.

2) Download Linux Mint
How to Install Linux Mint in to a Virtual Environmentdownload linux mint 
Linux Mint can be found at linuxmint.com. Visit the Download page to find the different versions.
For our purposes, we'll be working with the Cinnamon 32-bit version of Mint.
Choose a mirror appropriate for your region of the world.
The file will download as a.iso file. This is a disk image file, sort of like a direct copy of a DVD. The file extension is named for the ISO, the International Organization of Standards. Save this file to an easy to remember location on your computer.

 3) Configure Your Linux Mint Virtual Machine

Open your newly installed VMWare Player and choose Create a New Virtual Machine.

Choose your ISO from which to install Linux Mint. If you get a warning about VMWare not being able to detect which operating system you are installing, you can simply ignore it. We'll be specifying the OS. Click Next.

Select Linux as the Guest Operating System, and leave (or select if needed) Ubuntu as the Version. Click Next.

Give your virtual machine a name. Choose a location to save your virtual machine. Click Next.
Configure your storage settings. Since this is a test machine, and we don't need to use a lot of space, 8 GB should be sufficient to play around and install some applications. I prefer to store the virtual disk as a single larger file, since I generally won't be moving it. Click Next.
Verify your settings and click Finish. Your basic settings are now complete.

4) Install Linux Mint
How to Install Linux Mint in to a Virtual Environment

*ADVANCE WARNING: If at any time while installing Linux Mint, you can't find your mouse cursor or it gets "stuck" press the Control and Alt buttons together. This is a function of the VMWare Player.*
Select Play Virtual Machine using either of the green Play Buttons.

If you get a popup to install VMWare Tools, choose Remind Me Later.

Let the auto load cycle complete. After some message appear, Linux Mint will boot directly to the desktop. Mint is designed to run as a Live Operating System, which means it can run directly from the disk or disk image (.iso).

From here you can explore and use Linux Mint, but it won't be particularly fast compared to a full installation. Double click the Install Linux Mint icon on the virtual desktop.

The installer window will launch and as your to specify your language. I'll be running under the assumption of English. Click Continue.

Assuming your PC is online, and you set up your virtual hard disk to be 8.0 GB, you should have two check boxes on the next screen. Click Continue.

Select the Erase Disk and install Linux Mint option, and leave all other options unchecked. You are working inside of a virtual hard disk, and it's completely isolated from the rest of your computer, so you won't erase anything on your PC. Click Install Now.

The operating system will generally auto-detect your region. If not, type in your city to have it set your time zone. Click Continue.

Define your keyboard layout. Click continue.

Set up your name, your computer (VM's) name, your username, and your password. I've set my machine to log in automatically and set a password of "password1" since this machine is only for playing around and not for any of my personal information or online transactions. I've also set it to log me in automatically so I don't have to type in my password every time. Click continue after you have set up your user identification.

You'll notice arrow buttons on the side of the Mint installer screen as it wraps up the install. You can click through these to take a mini-tour of the Mint operating system. Let the installer complete its tasks. Grab a soda or something if you finish with the tour. You can click out of the virtual machine to play some solitaire on your host PC while you wait.

When Mint is done installing, it will prompt you to continue testing (work with the live desktop) or restart and launch in to the normal install of Mint. Click Restart Now.

Mint will ask you to remote the installation media, close the tray, then press the enter key. Since we aren't working off a DVD, we'll need to dismount the image. Press Ctrl and Alt together on your keyboard to unlock your mouse.

Click the Player button in the upper left of the VMWare Player window, select Removable Devices, select CD/DVD, and click on Settings.

Un-check the Connect as power on button for the CD/DVD drive. Click the OK button. Click back on to the black Mint Logo screen and press the enter key on your keyboard. Mint will now reboot.
Mint will reboot and automatically log you in to your desktop, where you'll be greeted by the Welcome to Linux Mint window. You can choose to have this show up at start up or not. Click the Close button on the window.

5) Using Linux Mint

For Windows users Mint is a very intuitive operating system. The Menu button in the bottom left functions like the Start button in Windows. Opening it will reveal a large menu of applications, sorted by type. Click through and see what you can find. Most of them are very self-explanatory.

Unlike Windows Linux is built on a package manager system instead of an executable system for installing new programs. Let's install Skype on Mint.

From the Menu, choose the Software Manager. When prompted, type in your password. The software manager application will launch.

Search for Skype using the search box in the upper right. Type in Skype and press the enter key.
Mint will find the package to install Skype. Double click on it to bring up the information window.
Click the install button. Skype will install itself and the screen will say "installed" once complete. Close the Software Manager.

Going to the Menu and selecting the Internet category will show Skype installed on the machine.
From here, explore Linux Mint, and get a feel for it. There's many usability resources on the Web, and this should get you started pretty well.

basic linux commands

 basic linux commands

basic linux commands

hi guys, hiyou have installed your favorite linux distro and you are sitting in front of it. Probably you must have heard a lot of frightening things about its console. Here you will see some basic linux commands which will help you to get familiar with linux command line. So let's continue with the linux commands cheatsheet.
But first a few words about a very basic command called man. man comes from manual and it works like this man command_name. With this command you can view information on how to use any command of your system. There is even a man page for man! Try typing man man and you ll get the point. So if want further information and details on a command listed below just type man command_name
Lets get started!
 basic linux commands
basic linux command line

Viewing, copying, moving and deleting files

ls Display the contents of the current directory
ls -a Display also hidden files and hidden directories
cp filename /path/dir_name Copy filename into directory /path/dir_name
cp -r dir_name /path/dir_name2 Copy the entire dir_name into /path/dir_name2
cp filename1 filename2 /path/dir_name Copy filename1 and filename2 into /path/dir_name
rm name Remove a file or directory called name
rm -r name Remove an entire directory as well as its included files and subdirectories
mv filename /path/dir_name Move filename into /path/dir_name
mv filename1 filename2 Rename filename1 to filename2
cat filename Display filenames contents
more filename Display filename in pages. Use spacebar to view next page
head filename Display filenames first 10 lines
head -15 filename Display filenames first 15 lines
tail filename Display filenames last 10 lines
tail -15 filename Display filenames last 15 lines
pwd Display current directory
cd /path/dir_name Change to directory /path/dir_name
cd .. Go 1 directory up
mkdir dir_name Create directory dir_name
rmdir dir_name Delete directory dir_name

Finding files and text within files

updatedb Update (create first time used) a database of all files under the root directory /
locate filename Find file filename searching in the database
find / -name filename Starting from the root directory search for the file called filename
find / -name *filename Same as above but search for file containing the string filename
grep string /path/dir_name Starting from /path/dir_name search for all files containing string
which application_name Search $path for application app_name
whereis application_name Search $path, man pages and source files for application_name
  basic linux commands

Archived files


tar -xzf filename.tgz Decompress tzg file
tar -xzf filename.tar.gz Decompress tar.gz file
tar -xjf filename.tar.bz2 Decompress tar.bz2 file
tar -czf filename.tar /path/dir_name Compress directory /path/dir_name to filename.tar
gzip -c filename > filename.gz Compress /path/dir_name to filename.tar.gz
bzip2 -c filename > filename.bz2 Compress /path/dir_name to filename.tar.bz2
  basic linux commands

Using rpm files 

rpm -hiv package.rpm Install rpm called package.rpm
rpm -hiv --force package.rpm Install rpm called package.rpm by force
rpm -hUv package.rpm Upgrade rpm called package.rpm
rpm -e package.rpm Delete rpm called package.rpm
rpm -qpil package.rpm List files in not-installed rpm called package.rpm
rpm -ql package.rpm List files in installed rpm called package.rpm
rpm -q str List installed rpms containing the string str
rpm -qf /path/application_name Display the rpm that contains application application_name
  basic linux commands

Starting and Stoping 

startx Start the X system
shutdown -h now Shutdown the system now and do not reboot
Same as above
shutdown -r now Reboot
reboot Same as above
shutdown -r +10 Reboot in 10 minutes
   basic linux commands

Mounting filesystems

mount -t vfat /dev/sd(a)(1) /mnt/c_drive Mount the first partition 1 of the first hard disk drive a which is in fat32 vfat dormat under /mnt/c_drive directory
mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom Mount cdrom under /mnt/cdrom directory
umount /mnt/hda1 Unmout the above
  basic linux commands

User administration

users Display users currently logged in
adduser username Create a new user called username
passwd username Define password for user called username
who List logged-in users
whoami Display current user
finger username Displays info about user username
su Log in as root from current login
su - Log in as root from current login and take root's path
exit Exit from console login (ie, logout).
 basic linux commands


command Execute command in the foreground
command & Execute command in the background
ctrl+z Suspend a program
ctrl+c Interrupt a program
ps List all processes
kill -9 pid Kill process with id pid
top Monitor processes in real time
 basic linux commands


hostname List the system's hostname
ifconfig Set/Display network information
host ip Resolves ip's hostname
ping ip/hostname Check if ip/hostname is reachable
traceroute ip/hostname Find network path to ip/hostname
 basic linux commands

System Information

uname -a General system information
fdisk -l List partition tables
cp filename /path/dir_name Copy filename into directory /path/dir_name
df -T -h List filesystem disk space usage
lspci List PCI devices
lsusb List USB devices
free -m Display RAM+Swap usage

 basic linux commands

Program Compile

gcc -o output file.c Compile a C program
./output Run a C program you have compiled
g++ -o output file.cpp Compile a C++ program
./output Run a C++ program you have compiled
./configure && make && su -c 'make install' Configure, compile and install a program with Makefile

Sunday, 29 December 2013

How To Speed Up Windows XP

How To Speed Up Windows XP ?

How To Speed Up Windows XP

The default install of Windows XP includes features and processes most users don't need. If you're involved in gaming or multimedia, and you can't afford a top-of-the-range PC, here are a few tips to get the most out of your machine.

For beginner users:

1. Go to: Start > Control Panel > Display > Settings.

Select: Resolution 800 x 600 pixels and Colour Quality Medium (16 bit).

Click: Apply.

What it does: Reduces system overhead. Less work for your CPU.

2. Go to: Start.

Right click: My Computer.

Select: Properties > 'Advanced' tab > Performance > 'Settings' button > 'Visual effects' tab.

Select: Adjust for best performance.

Click: Apply.

What it does: Removes unimportant cosmetic effects, thereby reducing system overhead.

3. Go to: Start.

Right click: My Computer.

Select: Properties > 'Advanced' tab > Performance > 'Settings' button > 'Advanced' tab.

Select: Processor scheduling > Programs.

Select: Memory usage > Programs.

Click: Apply.
What it does: Prioritises _your_ programs over those that windows xp _thinks_ are important.

4. Go to: Start > Control Panel > Display > Themes.

Select: Windows Classic.

Click: Apply.

What it does: Cleans up the desktop.

5. Go to: Start > Control Panel > Display > Desktop.

Select: Background - None.

Click: Apply.

What it does: Cleans up the desktop.

6. Go to: Start > Control Panel > Display > Appearance.

Select: Windows Classic Style.

Click: Apply.

What it does: Cleans up the desktop.

For Medium Users:

7. Go to: Start.

Right click: My Computer.

Select: Properties > 'Automatic Updates' tab.

Select: Turn off automatic updates.

Click: Apply.

What it does: Stops Microsoft messing with your computer at inconvenient times. You can re-enable this when _you_ feel like an update.

8. Go to: Start > Run.

Type: msconfig

Select: 'Startup' tab.

Action: Untick all boxes, except those you are certain you need to start when windows XP boots up.

Click: Apply.

What it does: Stops programs starting when windowsxp does. Frees up system resources.

For Advanced users:

9. Run your favourite program.

Click these buttons on your keyboard simultaneously: ctrl + alt + del (Control + Alt + Delete).

Click: 'Processes' tab.

Right click: The process of your favourite program.

Select: Set priority > Realtime.

What it does: Diverts CPU resources to the selected program.

10. Go to: Start > Run.

Type: services.msc

Right click: Any service you are sure you won't need, like 'Automatic Updates', 'Help and Support' or 'Indexing Services'.

Select: Properties > 'General' tab > Startup type > 'Manual' or 'Disabled'.

Click: Apply.

What it does: Stops processes starting windows XP does. Frees up system resources.

Warning: Change one setting here a day. Reboot your system after each one. Run your most popular programs. If they're running normally, try disabling another service the next day. This is to make sure you don't turn off something important. If you're not sure, leave them alone.

Related programs:

Tune windows XP http://www.driverheaven.net/dforce/

This is freeware and simple to use.

X-Setup Pro http://www.x-setup.net/

This has a 30 day trial, and is for more advanced users.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Facebook Recovering deleted messages

Facebook Recovering deleted messages

If you deleted a message from your Facebook chat and you want it back, follow these easy steps:

    Facebook: Recovering deleted messages

    tags  Facebook  Recovering deleted messages ,Facebook deleted messages Recovering

    How to Create a Bootable Windows 7 or Vista USB Drive

     Need to install Windows 7 on a computer with no DVD drive? Do you want to create a backup installer in case your install disc becomes damaged? Follow these guide to get the Windows install files onto a bootable USB flash drive.


    Create or Obtain A Windows Vista/7 ISO

    1. How to Create a Bootable Windows 7 or Vista USB Drive
      Install a free burning program. There are a number of free burning utilities available online. You need one that can create ISO files.
      • If you received your Windows 7 as a downloadable ISO file from Microsoft, you can skip to the next section.

    2. 2
      Insert your Windows 7 DVD. Open your new burning program. Look for an option such as “Copy to Image” or “Create Image.” If prompted, select your DVD drive as the source.
    3. 3
      Save your ISO file. Choose an easy to remember name and location for the file. The ISO you make will be equal in size to the disc you are copying. This means it can take up several gigabytes of space on your hard drive. Be sure you have enough storage available.
      • Creating the ISO can take a long time, depending on the speed of your computer and DVD drive.
    source wikihow.com

     clé usb bootable com windows 7

    Friday, 27 December 2013

    Install and Configure Apache Traffic Server on Ubuntu Server 12.04

    Apache Traffic server is a reverse proxy, cache proxy and forward proxy. Web proxy caching enables you to store copies of frequently accessed web objects and then serve this information to users on demand. It improves performance and frees up Internet bandwidth for other tasks.



    Installation of Apache Traffic Server is bit tricky on Ubuntu due to absence of standard apt-get easy installer package. Well but its not that difficult though. I am writing down step by step process for easy understandability.

    Download latest tar.bz2 from apache website and put that on Ubuntu server any directory.

    wget http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/trafficserver/trafficserver-4.0.1.tar.bz2

    tar xf trafficserver-4.0.1.tar.bz2

    cd trafficserver-4.0.1

     sudo apt-get install g++ libssl-dev tcl-dev libexpat1-dev libpcre3-dev libcap-dev libcap2


     $ make

     $ sudo make install

    Server level configuration


    After successful installation, open ld.so.conf (sudo vi /etc/ld.so.conf) and add following line.
    include /usr/local/libexec/trafficserver

    Run the following command: 
    sudo ldconfig

    Steps for Start and stop

    To start Traffic Server manually, issue the following command, passing in the attribute start. This command starts all the processes that work together to process Traffic Server requests as well as manage, control, and monitor the health of the Traffic Server system.

    sudo service trafficserver start/stop

    All the configuration parameter related to cache are located in /usr/local/etc/trafficserver/records.config file after making any configuration changes do run command traffic_line -x to apply the configuration changes.

    Installation Directories

    When we install traffic server, we had not provide the installation directories for config files and executable. These stuffs has been placed with default conventions.

    All configurations files :


    All executables :


    Important Configuration Files & Usage


    sudo vi /usr/local/etc/trafficserver/records.config

    For changing default port as well as connection time out etc. related data.
    Don't forget to execute following command in case of minor rule change:

    sudo traffic_line -x

    In case of severe change like port etc please make sure you had restarted the server:

    sudo service trafficserver restart

    For Configuring the mapping 


    sudo vi /usr/local/etc/trafficserver/remap.config

    In the above file, we can provide as many map, reverse map, redirect, reverse redirect configurations.

    Apache Virtual Host Specific Configuration


    Step 1:
    sudo vi /usr/local/etc/trafficserver/records.config

    In the file make following changes so config read like below
    CONFIG proxy.config.reverse_proxy.enabled INT 1
    CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.pristine_host_hdr INT 1 (It make sure host name in http header doesn't change)
    CONFIG proxy.configurl_remap.remap_required INT 1

    Step 2:
    sudo traffic_line -x

    Step 3:
    sudo vi /usr/local/etc/trafficserver/remap.config

    Step 4:
    sudo traffic_line -x
    Above configuration is sufficient for setting the initial reverse proxy to listen on default port and serve the request based on domain name from provider (Apache)

    Cache Configuration

    CONFIG proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.size INT -1 (default value 1 MB per 1 GB Disk Space, alternatively you can set 20971520 (20 MB))

    Monitoring Traffic & Log File

    Log file location - var/log/trafficserver

    source ; inuxsystemhacks.com

    red more: 

     Configuration serveur apache


    AddMeFast Facebook Likes iMacros Script Bot 2013

     here is another iMacros script that will like Facebook pages on AddMeFast. I have tested this and 100% working.

    Checkout the new youtube video likes script 2013

    Please remember, while you are using it with firefox, set the speed to Medium in iMacros options, otherwise your facebook account will be banned.
    Copy and paste the below code and save it as facebook.iim (or anyname.iim) in iMacros folder.

    If you are using Ubuntu or any other Linux systems, put the below script in


    URL GOTO=http://www.addmefast.com/free_points/facebook_likes.html
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=LABEL ATTR=ID:timelineHeadlineLikeButton
    TAB T=1

    AddMeFast Youtube Video Likes iMacros Bot Script 2013

    AddMeFast Youtube Video Likes iMacros Bot Script 2013 working 100

    If you are using Ubuntu or any other Linux systems, put the below script in


    URL GOTO=http://addmefast.com/free_points/youtube_likes.html
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=ID:watch-like
    TAB T=2
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=ID:watch-like
    TAB T=2
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=ID:watch-like
    TAB T=2
    TAB T=1
    URL GOTO=http://addmefast.com/free_points/youtube_likes.html
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=ID:watch-like
    TAB T=2
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=ID:watch-like
    TAB T=2
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=ID:watch-like
    TAB T=2
    TAB T=1
    URL GOTO=http://addmefast.com/free_points/youtube_likes.html
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=ID:watch-like
    TAB T=2
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=2
    FRAME F=0
    TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=ID:watch-like
    TAB T=2
    TAB T=1
    TAB T=1

    CCNA 2 Chapter 3 v5.0 Exam Answers 2013

    CCNA 2 Chapter 3 v5.0 Exam Answers 2013

    A network administrator is determining the best placement of VLAN trunk links. Which two types of point-to-point connections utilize VLAN trunking?​ (Choose two.)
    between two switches that share a common VLAN
    between a switch and a server that has an 802.1Q NIC*
    between a switch and a client PC
    between a switch and a network printer
    between two switches that utilize multiple VLANs*
    What happens to a port that is associated with VLAN 10 when the administrator deletes VLAN 10 from the switch?
    The port automatically associates itself with the native VLAN.
    The port creates the VLAN again.
    The port goes back to the default VLAN.
    The port becomes inactive.*
    ccna 2

    Refer to the exhibit. Interface Fa0/1 is connected to a PC. Fa0/2 is a trunk link to another switch. All other ports are unused. Which security best practice did the administrator forget to configure?Configure all unused ports to a ‘black-hole’ VLAN that is not used for anything on the network.
    Disable autonegotiation and set ports to either static access or static trunk.
    Change the native VLAN to a fixed VLAN that is distinct from all user VLANs and to a VLAN number that is not VLAN 1.
    All user ports are associated with VLANs distinct from VLAN 1 and distinct from the ‘black-hole’ VLAN.*
    Which command is used to remove only VLAN 20 from a switch?
    no switchport access vlan 20
    delete flash:vlan.dat
    no vlan 20*
    delete vlan.dat
    A Cisco Catalyst switch has been added to support the use of multiple VLANs as part of an enterprise network. The network technician finds it necessary to clear all VLAN information from the switch in order to incorporate a new network design. What should the technician do to accomplish this task?
    Erase the startup configuration and reboot the switch.
    Erase the running configuration and reboot the switch.
    Delete the startup configuration and the vlan.dat file in the flash memory of the switch and reboot the switch.*
    Delete the IP address that is assigned to the management VLAN and reboot the switch.
    What is the effect of issuing a switchport access vlan 20 command on the Fa0/18 port of a switch that does not have this VLAN in the VLAN database?
    VLAN 20 will be created automatically.*
    The command will have no effect on the switch.
    Port Fa0/18 will be shut down.
    An error stating that VLAN 20 does not exist will be displayed and VLAN 20 is not created.
    Which command displays the encapsulation type, the voice VLAN ID, and the access mode VLAN for the Fa0/1 interface?
    show mac address-table interface Fa0/1
    show interfaces Fa0/1 switchport*
    show interfaces trunk
    show vlan brief
    p8 exa3 ccna2
    Place the options in the following order:
    - not scored -
    dynamic auto
    dynamic desirable
    Port Fa0/11 on a switch is assigned to VLAN 30. If the command no switchport access vlan 30 is entered on the Fa0/11 interface, what will happen?
    Port Fa0/11 will be returned to VLAN 1.*
    VLAN 30 will be deleted.
    An error message would be displayed.
    Port Fa0/11 will be shutdown.
    What must the network administrator do to remove Fast Ethernet port fa0/1 from VLAN 2 and assign it to VLAN 3?
    Enter the no vlan 2 and the vlan 3 commands in global configuration mode.
    Enter the switchport trunk native vlan 3 command in interface configuration mode.
    Enter the switchport access vlan 3 command in interface configuration mode.*
    Enter the no shutdown in interface configuration mode to return it to the default configuration and then configure the port for VLAN 3.
    Which two Layer 2 security best practices would help prevent VLAN hopping attacks? (Choose two.)
    Disable DTP autonegotiation on end-user ports.*
    Change the management VLAN to a distinct VLAN that is not accessible by regular users.
    Statically configure all ports that connect to end-user host devices to be in trunk mode.
    Change the native VLAN number to one that is distinct from all user VLANs and is not VLAN 1.*
    Use SSH for all remote management access.
    In a basic VLAN hopping attack, which switch feature do attackers take advantage of?
    automatic encapsulation negotiation
    the default automatic trunking configuration*
    an open Telnet connection
    forwarding of broadcasts
    A Cisco switch currently allows traffic tagged with VLANs 10 and 20 across trunk port Fa0/5. What is the effect of issuing a switchport trunk allowed vlan 30 command on Fa0/5?
    It allows only VLAN 30 on Fa0/5.*
    It allows a native VLAN of 30 to be implemented on Fa0/5.
    It allows VLANs 1 to 30 on Fa0/5.
    It allows VLANs 10, 20, and 30 on Fa0/5.
    p14 exa3 ccna2
    Refer to the exhibit. A frame is traveling between PC-A and PC-B through the switch. Which statement is true concerning VLAN tagging of the frame?
    No VLAN tag is added to the frame.*
    A VLAN tag is added when the frame is accepted by the switch.
    A VLAN tag is added when the frame is forwarded out the port to PC-B.
    A VLAN tag is added when the frame leaves PC-A.
    p15 exa3 ccna2
    Refer to the exhibit. PC-A and PC-B are both in VLAN 60. PC-A is unable to communicate with PC-B. What is the problem?
    The native VLAN is being pruned from the link.
    The VLAN that is used by PC-A is not in the list of allowed VLANs on the trunk.*
    The trunk has been configured with the switchport nonegotiate command.
    The native VLAN should be VLAN 60.
    What VLANs are allowed across a trunk when the range of allowed VLANs is set to the default value?
    All VLANs will be allowed across the trunk.*
    Only the native VLAN will be allowed across the trunk.
    The switches will negotiate via VTP which VLANs to allow across the trunk.
    Only VLAN 1 will be allowed across the trunk.
    Under which two occasions should an administrator disable DTP while managing a local area network? (Choose two.)
    on links that should not be trunking*
    when connecting a Cisco switch to a non-Cisco switch*
    on links that should dynamically attempt trunking
    when a neighbor switch uses a DTP mode of dynamic auto
    when a neighbor switch uses a DTP mode of dynamic desirable
    p18 exa3 ccna2
    Open the PT Activity. Perform the tasks in the activity instructions and then answer the question.
    Which PCs will receive the broadcast sent by PC-C?
    PC-D, PC-E*
    PC-A, PC-B, PC-D, PC-E
    PC-A, PC-B
    PC-A, PC-B, PC-D, PC-E, PC-F
    PC-A, PC-B, PC-E
    Which two statements are true about VLAN implementation? (Choose two.)
    The network load increases significantly because of added trunking information.
    Devices in one VLAN do not hear the broadcasts from devices in another VLAN.*
    The size of the collision domain is reduced.
    VLANs logically group hosts, regardless of physical location.*
    The number of required switches in a network decreases.
    p20 exa3 ccna2
    Refer to the exhibit. DLS1 is connected to another switch, DLS2, via a trunk link. A host that is connected to DLS1 is not able to communicate to a host that is connected to DLS2, even though they are both in VLAN 99. Which command should be added to Fa0/1 on DLS1 to correct the problem?
    switchport trunk allowed vlan add 99
    switchport trunk native vlan 66*
    switchport mode dynamic auto
    switchport nonegotiate
    Which switch feature ensures that no unicast, multicast, or broadcast traffic is passed between ports that are configured with this feature?
    switch port security
    PVLAN protected port*
    Fill in the blank. Use the full command syntax.
    The ” show vlan brief ” command displays the VLAN assignment for all ports as well as the existing VLANs on the switch.
    Which three statements accurately describe VLAN types? (Choose three).
    An 802.1Q trunk port, with a native VLAN assigned, supports both tagged and untagged traffic.*
    A management VLAN is any VLAN that is configured to access management features of the switch.*
    A data VLAN is used to carry VLAN management data and user-generated traffic.
    Voice VLANs are used to support user phone and e-mail traffic on a network.
    VLAN 1 is always used as the management VLAN.
    After the initial boot of an unconfigured switch, all ports are members of the default VLAN.*
    Which command should the network administrator implement to prevent the transfer of DTP frames between a Cisco switch and a non-Cisco switch?
    S1(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
    S1(config-if)# switchport mode access
    S1(config-if)# switchport nonegotiate*
    S1(config-if)# switchport mode dynamic desirable
    S1(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan none

    source : /ccna5.net
    Tags :  ccna, ccna cisco, ccna 2, correction ccna, CCNA 2 Chapter 3 v5.0 Exam Answers 2013, Cisco,

    Thursday, 26 December 2013

    bios change boot order

    Looking to change the boot order for your Windows XP or Vista machine? By changing the boot order, you can force your computer to boot from a CD/DVD drive, a floppy drive, or even off the network.
    Changing the boot order on a PC is mostly done in order to boot from a recovery disk or from an OEM disk to run some kind of Windows repair software, such as the Recovery Console.

    So here are the steps to change the boot sequence for a PC:

    Step 1: The first thing you have to do is restart your computer and enter the BIOS. You can enter the BIOS when you see a message such as “Press FX to enter setup” or something similar.

    On a Dell machine it’s usually F2, Toshiba is F1 or ESC, HP is F1 or F2, and IBMs usually require you to go to Start, Programs and then Thinkpad CFG to start up in the BIOS.

    Step 2: Now that you are in the BIOS, the tough part is finding the boot order section. Note that there are not a ton of options in a BIOS, so just go through every page if you have to until you see something like First Boot Device, Boot Order, Boot Management, Boot Sequence, etc.

    change boot order

    It may also be under Advanced BIOS Features or Advanced Boot Options. In the above screenshot, it’s under Advanced BIOS Features. Use the arrow keys to navigate.

    change boot sequence

    As you can see, there is a First, Second and Third Boot Device. Scroll down and use the arrow keys to change the device to HDD (hard drive), Floppy, CDROM, or Network. You could also have a BIOS that looks like this:

    change boot order sequence

    The instructions for changing the boot order are in the sidebar, but usually it requires pressing the + or – buttons to move items up and down in the order list. The first item in the list is what will be scanned first when booting. If boot media is not found, it will try the second device and so on.

    Finally, go to Exit and make sure you choose Yes to the Save configuration changes and exit now? question.

    bios boot order

    That’s pretty much it! If you have any questions or can’t get into the BIOS on your computer, post a comment here and I will try to help

    source :  helpdeskgeek.com

    Tags : Windows,boot order,xp,hdd,change the boot order for your Windows XP,BIOS How to Change the Boot Sequence in the BIOS,

    Wednesday, 25 December 2013

    dual-boot Windows 8 and Linux

    How to dual-boot Windows 8 and Linux

    get Windows 8 and Linux booting from the same machine without too much trouble. Ashton Mills explains.

    windows 8
    You’ll need this To its credit, Windows 8 adds much more than just the Modern UI. There’s the underlying changes for memory efficiency, graphics performance (particularly elements like images, for which the Modern UI heavily relies on) and of course, the range of system-wide improvements like more informative copy dialogues and the ever-so-sexy Task Manager.
    It also revamped, for the first time, both the dreaded BSOD screen and in many ways, its reluctant partner: the Windows boot manager. Under the bonnet the Windows boot manager works much the same as it did in Windows 7, with the added difference that’s it’s a heck of a lot nicer to look at. No longer are you presented with merely an ASCII-based white-on-black boot menu, much like GRUB for Linux; instead, there’s a soft blue background with large icons and fonts that mimic the Modern UI — and it’s mouse driven to boot (HA! See what I did there?). Such that, for some of us here at APC, we actually prefer the look of Windows 8’s boot manager than the traditional Linux one, even if slightly prettified in distributions like Ubuntu.
    So, while you can easily set up a dual-boot system by installing Windows 8 first and then Linux, you’ll be left with GRUB to manage your boot. If you prefer the look of the Windows 8 menu, here’s how to dual-boot Windows 8 and Linux using the Windows 8 boot manager.

    Step 1: Installation order

    Installing Windows 8 and Linux on the same system doesn’t change — always do Windows first and then Linux second. However, the only difference now is to install GRUB to the root partition (or a /boot partition, if you set one up) instead of the MBR of the hard drive. For example, you might configure your installation to look something like the diagram below.
    When you do this, you initially won’t be able to boot to Linux once the installation finishes. This is fine, as we’ll fix that in a moment.
    You can configure your installation to look something like this. 

    Step 2: Install EasyBCD

    Reboot and once Windows 8 has loaded, drop to the desktop and head to neosmart.net/EasyBCD. Click on ‘Register’ at the bottom of the page and optionally fill in your details if you’d like to help support EasyBCD. This isn’t necessary, though, and you can click ‘Download!’ to download EasyBCD whether you register or not.
    EasyBCD has been around for some time and provides flexible control over the Windows Boot Configuration Data (BCD). This includes the boot menu, for which Windows is actually quite a capable tool. It’ll happily boot a range of Windows operating systems and much like GRUB, it can be configured to chain-load non-Microsoft operating systems — with a little help, anyway. One of the features of EasyBCD is the integration of both a GRUB boot image and GRUB chain-loader, allowing you to boot Linux from the Windows boot menu.
    EasyBCD has been updated with Windows 8 support, making it a snap to use the new Windows 8 boot menu to boot both Windows and Linux.
    The contents of the BCD loader for dual-booting Windows 8 and Linux.

    Step 3: Chain-load GRUB

    Start EasyBCD and back up the current BCD configuration file by clicking ‘BCD Backup/Repair > Backup Settings’. Next, click ‘Add New Entry’ and under the ‘Linux/BSD’ tab, click on the ‘Type’ field and choose ‘GRUB2’ (if using Ubuntu). Under the ‘Name’ field, change it to whatever distribution you’re using and for ‘Drive:’, set it to ‘Automatically locate and load’.
    Hit ‘Add Entry’ and you’re done! If you click on the ‘View Settings’ button, you should see a new entry for your distribution or ‘NeoSmart Linux’ if you didn’t change the name.
    Adding a new entry to boot Linux.
    If you’re using another version of Linux, check to make sure which version of GRUB it’s using. If the original GRUB is being used, you’ll need to select ‘GRUB’ instead and, since it can’t be automatically located and loaded, set the partition you installed GRUB to in the ‘Drive:’ field. Later, if for whatever reason this isn’t working, you can try ticking ‘Use EasyBCD’s copy of GRUB’.
    Finally, if you forgot to change the name for the entry or want to change it later, click ‘Advanced Settings’ and under the ‘Basic’ tab rename the entry before clicking ‘Save Settings’.
    Naturally, you can also use EasyBCD to alter other boot menu settings such as reordering the list, setting the default operating system and changing the timeout. All of these can be found under the ‘Edit Boot Menu’ section. Don’t forget if you run into any problems, you can also restore your original Windows 8 boot menu settings from the ‘BCD Backup/Repair’ option.
    And that’s it! Enjoy your dual-boot Windows 8 and Linux system with a more modern and cleaner boot time interface.

    Other tips: Cheating Windows 8’s cheat

    Once you have more than one operating system installed alongside Windows 8, you may notice some interesting behaviour with the way Windows 8 boots. When you’re presented with the boot menu, this isn’t a first step before choosing what operating system loads. As part of its changes to decrease boot times, Windows 8 actually loads in the background and the boot menu is more a formality: if you click to boot Windows 8, you’ll instantly be presented with the login screen; if you choose to load another operating system, your machine will reboot before loading into the other OS.
    It’s a bit of a hack on Microsoft’s part to create the illusion of speed and while it doesn’t bother us too much (having SSDs for boot drives helps), you can bypass this behaviour with a neat little tool also made by NeoSmart: iReboot.
    EasyBCD has an option to install iReboot under ‘Useful Utilities’, but we found this didn’t work. Instead, head to neosmart.net/iReboot to download and install the latest version.
    Once installed, a tray icon will appear to you let choose from your boot menu what operating system you’ll load at your next boot, making it possible to reboot once to Linux, instead of twice when rebooting from Windows 8. Neat!

    source ; apcmag.com

    Tags : Windows, Windows 8, Linux, Microsoft, advantages of Microsoft Windows 8.1, Cheating Windows 8’s cheat,Install EasyBCD,Windows 8 and Linux booting,dual-boot Windows 8 and Linux,

    Tuesday, 24 December 2013

    Windows 8 Error Messages

    Windows 8 error messages rarely describe what you did to cause the event or, even worse, how to fix the problem. Following are some of the most common Windows 8 error messages, notifications, and just plain confusing attempts at conversation. Find a message that matches what you’re experiencing and then read how to handle the situation as gracefully as Windows 8 will allow.

    Would you like to install this device software?

    windows 8Meaning: Are you sure that this software is free from viruses, spyware, and other harmful things?
    Probable cause: A window similar to the one shown appears when you try to install or update a driver for one of your computer’s parts.
    Solutions: If you’re sure the file is safe, click the Install button. But if this message appears unexpectedly, or you think it may not be safe, click the Don’t Install button.

    Do you want to save changes?

    image1.jpgMeaning: You haven’t saved your work in a program, and your work is about to be lost.
    Probable cause: You’re trying to close an application, sign out, or restart your computer before telling a program to save the work you’ve accomplished.
    Solutions: Look in the window’s title bar for the program’s name. Then find that program on your desktop (or click its name on the taskbar to bring it to the forefront). Finally, save your work by choosing Save from the program’s File menu (or tab) or clicking the program’s Save icon. Don’t want to save the file? Then click Don’t Save to discard your work and move on.

    How do you want to open this type of file?

    image2.jpgMeaning: The dialog box appears when Windows doesn’t know which program created the file that you double-clicked.
    Probable cause: Windows programs add hidden secret codes, known as file extensions, onto the ends of filenames. When you double-click a Notepad file, for example, Windows spots the file’s secret, hidden file extension and uses Notepad to open the file. But if Windows doesn’t recognize the file’s secret code letters, this error message appears.
    Solutions: If you know what program created the mysterious file, choose it from the list of programs offered in the message. (Click More Options to see other programs, but those programs will rarely be able to open the file.)
    If Windows doesn’t offer any valid suggestions, however, choose Look for an App in the Store. You may need to download or buy an app from Start screen’s Store app.

    Malware detected: Windows Defender is taking action

    image3.jpgMeaning: When the built-in Windows 8 antivirus program, Windows Defender, finds a potentially dangerous file on your computer, it lets you know with this message. Windows Defender then removes the file so it can’t harm your computer or files.
    This particular notification looks identical on both the desktop and the Start screen; it always appears in the screen’s top-right corner.
    Probable cause: A dangerous file — malware — probably arrived through e-mail, a flash drive, a networked computer, or a website. Windows is removing the file so it can’t do any harm.
    Solutions: You needn’t do anything. Windows Defender has already caught and removed the evildoer.

    Removable disk: choose what to do with removable drives

    windows 8Meaning: When this window appears, tell Windows what to do with the flash drive or memory card you’ve inserted into your computer.
    Probable cause: You’ve just slid a flash drive (a stick of memory) into your computer’s USB port, or you’ve put a memory card, perhaps from a camera, into a card reader attached to your computer.
    Solutions: Most of the time, you’ll click the Open Folder to View Files option. That lets you see your stored files and copy or move them to other folders in your computer. But you have three other options:
    • Speed Up My System (Windows ReadyBoost). Click this only if you plan on leaving the item permanently attached to your computer. On slower computers that need more memory, this option can speed them up.
    • Configure this Drive for Backup (File History). Click this to leave the item permanently attached to store backups. With a large flash drive, it works fine with File History.
    • Take no action. Clicking this simply gets rid of the message. To access the item later, open File Explorer from the desktop, and open the card from there.
      See the letter listed after Removable Disk in the message? That’s the letter of the drive Windows has assigned to your item.

    Add your Microsoft account

    windows 8Meaning: You must sign in with a Microsoft account to perform several tasks in Windows 8. If you don’t have a Microsoft account, you’ll see this message. Microsoft accounts let you reap the most benefits from Windows 8.
    Probable cause: You may have tried to use the Mail, People, Calendar or Messenger app, which all require a Microsoft account. You also need one to download an app from the Microsoft Store.
    Solutions: Sign up for a free Microsoft account.

    You don’t currently have permission to access this folder

    windows 8Meaning: If you see the dialog box shown here, it means Windows won’t let you peek inside the folder you’re trying to open. (The folder’s name appears in the message’s title bar.) A similar message appears when Windows won’t let you peek inside a file.
    Probable cause: The file or folder belongs to somebody with a different user account.
    Solutions: If you hold an Administrator account, you can open files and folders from other people’s user accounts by clicking Continue. If you don’t have an Administrator account, however, you’re locked out.
    If an account holder wants to let others see inside the file or folder, he or she should copy or move the item into the Public folder.

    Tag : Windows 8 , Windows ,  Windows 8 Error Messages, Windows Error Messages,programs

    Monday, 23 December 2013

    How to Set up a Network in Ubuntu

    Configuring networks such as a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) primarily used for accessing the internet can be a hassle, especially when you aren't using the same operating system as what the directions were originally written for. This article is a starting point for configuring DSL using Ubuntu Linux.


    Edit Steps

    1. How to Set up a Network in Ubuntu
      Open Network Connections to set up network settings in Ubuntu. Go to “System”, “Preferences” and chose “Network Connections."
    2. How to Set up a Network in  Ubuntu
      Under the “Wired” tab, click on “Auto eth0” and select “Edit."
    3. How to Set up a Network in  Ubuntu
      Click on “IPV4 Settings” tab. Chose the “Automatic (DHCP)” option if your network has a DHCP server. The DHCP Server has automatically assigned the IP address to your system. Click "Apply."
      • You also chose the “Manual” option from the Method drop-down list and assign the IP address, netmask and gateway manually. You'll also have to assign the DNS Server address. 
      • Click "Apply."
        How to Set up a Network in  Ubuntu
    4. How to Set up a Network in  Ubuntu
      Check the IP address settings. Go to “Applications” “Accessories” and chose “Terminal."
      Type the following command into terminal: “sudo ifconfig” without quotes.
    6. How to Set up a Network in  Ubuntu
      Get your new addresses. The Ifconfig command will show the inet address, broadcast address and mask address.
    Source : wikihow.com

    More Article :

     installer chromium ubuntu
    Tags : How to Set up a Network in Ubuntu ,ubuntu,configure internet linux ubuntu,internet,configure internet linux command line

    Sunday, 22 December 2013

    best antivirus apps for android

     Protection for Android devices has become a high priority over the last year or so. Malware and viruses are more rampant than ever and although being careful usually avoids the problem, sometimes people want more. A good antivirus or anti-malware app can not only bring peace of mind, but also protect your Android device from threats you may accidentally stumble upon. So in this list we’ll show you the 10 best  antivirus and anti-malware apps for Android.

    antivirus application

    #10 Norton Security Antivirus

    [Price: Free or $29.99/year subscription]
    Get it on Google PlayNumber 10 on our list is Norton Security Antivirus. Norton is already a trusted brand in security and millions use Norton on their PC. It comes in both a lite and paid flavor. The light version offers some peripheral protection, including scanning the SD card and apps for threats. With the free variant, you can also lock the phone via SMS if it is lost or stolen.
    With the $29.99/year subscription, you get all the features. Unfortunately, some of them probably should’ve been included in the free version, like locating a lost or stolen phone. Bad free/paid decisions aside, Norton is a solid antivirus app from a name that people know. To give it a shot, click the button below.
    Norton AntiVirus

    #9 Hornet AntiVirus Freehornet

    [Price: Free]
    Get it on Google PlayNext up is Hornet AntiVirus and it’s one of the few truly free apps on the list. It includes a number of standard features, like scanning apps for malware and scanning your storage for threats. It also includes a number of unique features, like detection of apps that use offensive advertising.
    The interface is easy to use even if it isn’t much to look at. Really, we weren’t able to find anything bad about this app. Hornet is free, it works fairly well, and it updates frequently to add new definitions and features. It’s a win-win. We would’ve liked to have seen some anti-theft features, though. Use the button below to check it out.
    Hornet AntiVirus Free

    #8 BitDefender AntiVirus Freebitdefender

    Get it on Google Play[Price: Free]
    Number 8 on our list is BitDefender AntiVirus Free. As the name implies, it is completely free. What this app has that the others don’t is simplicity. It performs exactly one action and that’s a comprehensive scan of your device to see if it’s safe. You can do this manually or enable the auto-pilot feature which does it for you.

    BitDefender’s claim to fame is the light usage. The app doesn’t have all the bulky features of most of these other apps. It simply scans your device to keep it safe. That’s it. If you need something with more features like anti-theft, you’ll need to look elsewhere. This is for people who just want something that scans for safety, then goes away. It doesn’t hurt that BitDefender is also a well known PC antivirus app. To check it out, use the button below.
    BitDefender AntiVirus Free

    #7 Zoner AntiVirus Freezoner

    Get it on Google Play[Price: Free / $4.99]
    Zoner is another free antivirus app. This one carries a much larger set of features than most of the other free offerings on this list. This includes your standard virus and malware protection, anti-theft features, and the ability to block calls from unfamiliar phone numbers. There is even a task manager built in.
    The interface is sleek and the features work well. When it’s all said and done you really can’t ask for much more than that out of an antivirus app. There is also a version that was specifically developed for tablets. To check it out, click the button below.
    07 Zoner AntiVirus Free

    avast#6 Mobile Security and AntiVirus by Avast

    [Price: Free / $1.99 per month / $14.99 per year]
    Get it on Google PlayNext up is Avast, which is another well known name in the PC antivirus space. Avast is one of the more highly rated PC antivirus apps and they’ve translated well to mobile. The mobile app is truly impressive and is packed with features. This includes your standard anti-virus and anti-malware along with one of the highest rated anti-theft systems out there.
    Aside from the standards, Avast puts a lot more into the app. There is a network monitor, SMS and call filtering, and even backups. There is a free and premium version. The free version gives you pretty much everything but the paid version makes them better. For instance, you get backups with the free version but when you pay for it, it extends to music, video, and applications. To give this truly impressive app a shot, use the button below.
    Mobile Security and AntiVirus

    #5 AntiVirus Security Free by AVGavg

    [Price: Free]
    Get it on Google PlayAVG already has one of the most popular free PC antivirus apps out there. Their mobile app is no different as AVG boasts over 70 million users to date. It comes with your standard features and a few extra perks to make this powerful antivirus app even better.
    You get the standard malware and antivirus protection. Along with that you get web security, anti-theft using Google Maps, a task manager, and a battery monitor to help manage your battery life. It covers all the bases and a couple of bases the others don’t cover. That makes it a great option for mobile security. To try it out, use the button below.
    Antivirus security free by AVG

    #4 Armor for Androidarmorforandroid

    [Price: $29.95]
    Get it on Google PlayUp next is not only one of the highest rated antivirus apps for Android, but also one of the most expensive. When it first came out, Armor for Android was on sale for $1. It now costs around $75. That doesn’t prevent it from being a great app, but we understand if that’s a little too expensive for your tastes. For the $75 price tag you do get lifetime support for the app as opposed to 1 or 2 year licenses you get from others.
    In terms of features, it comes with everything you’d need to keep your Android device secure. Armor for Android has one of the most comprehensive malware databases for Android as well as other helpful features like their Memory Booster. If you can foot the bill, it’s an amazing application to have on your device. Our advice, keep an eye out for any sales because if you can pick it up for cheaper, it’s that much better of a deal. Use the button below to give it a look.
    Note: Armor for Android recently dropped their prices to a much more reasonable $29.95. At this price, it is a substantially better deal than it was at $75!
    Armor for Android

    #3 Mobile Security and Antivirus by ESETeset

    [Price: Free / $15.97/year subscription]
    Get it on Google PlayThe first in our top 3 is ESET’s offering, called Mobile Security and AntiVirus. Like many others on this list, ESET is known for it’s PC antivirus, called Nod32. It also follows the free-paid paradigm, where you get more features if you pay for it.
    The features come packed into a pleasant interface. Other than the standard, you get access to the ESET Live Grid which offers great updates on the latest malware threats and anti-theft. If you pay for it, you get even more unique features like SIM Guard, where you can control the phone even if another SIM card is installed. It’s great for protection and you can check it out by using the button below.
    Mobile Security and Antivirus by ESET

    #2 Antivirus and Mobile Securitytrustgo

    [Price: Free]
    Get it on Google PlayNumber 2 on our list is Antivirus and Mobile Security by TrustGo Inc. This is the highest rated free app on the list. It is 100% free with no pay options. Aside from being free, it has also won awards for its protection and security.
    Aside from the standard features, you also get others like data backups and anti-theft. The anti-theft includes a feature that will snap a picture of the thief if they enter your password wrong 3 times. It then emails you the picture. If you want to try it out, use the button below.
    Antivirus and Mobile Security

    #1 Dr. Web Antivirusdrweb

    [Price: Free / $75]
    Get it on Google PlayHere it is, the number one highest rated app in the antivirus space on Android. It’s called Dr Web Antivirus and it comes in the classic free-paid paradigm. The three versions give you the basics including antivirus and anti-malware. It’s geared toward people who have Android devices with lower specs, limited data plans, and those who are battery savvy.
    The paid version includes anti-theft and anti-spyware protection. So if you want complete protection you’ll have to pay for it. It all comes packed in an easy-to-use interface and people genuinely seem to enjoy it. To see more, use the button below.
    Dr Web Antivirus

    Antivirus Wrap-up

    This is one of the most truly competitive lists we’ve ever published. The ratings in the Play Store range from 4.5 to 4.7 and every single one of these antivirus apps caters to a different audience. So whether you prefer comprehensive protection or something more minimal, one of these apps will fit your needs.
    What it really comes down to is a difference of opinion and which niche you belong to. If you want something that doesn’t consume significant resources or get in the way, you would use something like BitDefender. If you require 100% protection and can’t pay for it, you’d look at TrustGo’s Antivirus and Mobile Security. There simply isn’t one right answer here. Regardless of what you end up choosing, know that we’ve hand picked each one, and that all are a fantastic choice. Let us know what you think down below!

    source : androidauthority.com
    tags : Android,Antivirus ,Wrap-up, Android devices,Protection for Android,protection for android tablet,malware protection for android,norton