Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Episode 000: Introduction

Here is the "first" podcast, even though it is not!
It is not our first episode, but more of an introduction of what is to come.

Read more »

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Website Introduction

Welcome to the Geeks Amok Podcast site!

We are currently in development and will be posting new stuff soon. We are in the process of getting the bugs worked out and rolling out our first podcast.

We will discuss anything from Movies, TV, News, Games, Collectibles, etc.

Feedback and comments are greatly appreciated.

Check us out on Social Media sites!

Saturday, 15 February 2014

how to upload internet speed

How to upgrade upload internet speed? 

how to increase my internet upload speed? 

how to upload internet speed

Anyone who has used the Internet has experienced a slow connection. Be it cable, dial up or DSL, if you're on the Internet, you're going to experience bad connection rates. Slow upload speed can cause the normally docile computer owner to want to pull his hair out and throw the computer out the window. A slow upload speed can be due to a number of reasons.

 An out of date browser, add-ons and malicious software can all be causes for your slow upload speed. The best way to increase your upload speed is to increase your overall Internet speed.

for upgrade upload internet speed red this instructions
1 Determine what speed your plan allows by checking with your Internet provider. The upload speed you are currently at may be the maximum speed available with your plan. If this is the case, upgrade your plan or switch providers.

  • 2
    Run your anti-virus, adware and spyware programs. Starting a scan of your computer might find potentially harmful applications running in the background of your computer, which can greatly affect your Internet connection speed.
  • 3
    Perform a disk cleanup and disk defragmenter. Both can be found under your System Tools menu. It is generally a good idea to run both the disk cleanup and disk defragmenter every so often to increase your computer's overall performance.
  • 4
    Change your browser. Many people have an older version or a well known slower browser. Updating or switching browsers may just be the boost your upload speed needs.

     upgrade upload internet speed 
    tags :upgrade upload internet speed,upgrade upload internet ,upload internet speed, internet speed

  • Friday, 14 February 2014

    How to Download Music from YouTube

    Have you ever wanted to listen to a song but couldn't find a way to download the song off of YouTube? Or maybe the song you're looking for can't be found in the iTunes store? Well, here's how you get that song from YouTube onto your and computer. It's fast, easy, free, and best of all, you don't have to know much about computers to do it

    How to Download Music from YouTube

    method 1

    Search the song you want, click on it, and copy the link


    method 2
    Search the song you want, click on it, and copy the link

     Go to and paste the link

    method 3 

    Search the song you want, click on it, and copy the link
    method 4
    Search the song you want, click on it, and copy the link 


    Thursday, 13 February 2014

    haw to Change YouTube username

    Change YouTube username 

    How To Change Youtube Username

    How To Change  Username Youtube


    Click Here  and watch video setap by setap

    Types of attacks - Sniffer Attack

    What Sniffer Attack?
    How Does a Sniffer Work? 
    sniffer attack example

    A sniffer is an application that can capture network packets. Sniffers are also known as network protocol analizers. While protocol analyzers are really network troubleshooting tools, they are also used by hackers for hacking network. If the network packets are not encrypted, the data within the network packet can be read using a sniffer

    How Does a Sniffer Work? 

    Before we can explore how a sniffer operates, it may be helpful to examine what enables the tool to work. During normal tasks such as Web surfing and messaging, computers are constantly communicating with other machines. (For an introduction to the way that the Internet and networking works, please see the SecurityFocus article A Beginner’s Guide to the Internet.) Obviously, a user should be able to see all the traffic traveling to or from their machine.

     Most PCs, however, are on a Local Area Network (LAN), meaning they share a connection with several other computers. If the network is not switched (a switch is a device that filters and forwards packets between segments of the LAN), the traffic destined for any machine on a segment is broadcast to every machine on that segment. This means that a computer actually sees the data traveling to and from each of its neighbors, but ignores it, unless otherwise instructed.

    Packet sniffing is the interception of data packets traversing a network. A sniffer program works at the Ethernet layer in combination with network interface cards (NIC) to capture all traffic traveling to and from internet host site.

    Further, if any of the Ethernet NIC cards are in promiscuous mode, the sniffer program will pick up all communication packets floating by anywhere near the internet host site.

    A sniffer placed on any backbone device, inter-network link or network aggregation point will therefore be able to monitor a whole lot of traffic. Most of packet sniffers are passive and they listen all data link layer frames passing by the device's network interface. There are dozens of freely available packet sniffer programs on the internet. The more sophisticated ones allow more active intrusion.
    The key to detecting packet sniffing is to detect network interfaces that are running in promiscuous mode. Sniffing can be detected two ways:
    1. Host-based : Software commands exist that can be run on individual host machines to tell if the NIC is running in promiscuous mode.
    2. Network-based : Solutions tend to check for the presence of running processes and log files, which sniffer programs consume a lot of. However, sophisticated intruders almost always hide their tracks by disguising the process and cleaning up the log files.
    The best countermeasure against sniffing is end-to-end or user-to-user encryption.

    What Sniffer Attack?
    How Does a Sniffer Work? 
    sniffer attack example

    Wednesday, 12 February 2014

    How To Get Free domain

     Get Your free domain Business Online” also known as GYBO is a new service presented by Google, this new service allows users to Get their Business Online, in other words it provides Free Domain Names such as : .COM (totally FREE). It provides also Free Web Hosting (limited) . You can use this Free Domain Name to start your Own website or blog

    How To Get Free domain?
    Setap 1
     Go to GYBO Website (By Google) Click here

    get free domain
    Setap 2
    Click On Get Online button

    Setap 3
     Click Create your Website button
    setap 4
    now you need to Sign up for your free Intuit website. Then you will get following screen

    setap 5
      Click Choose a domain ( for your Website

    Click Create your Website button to start the wizard. - See more at:

    How To Get Free domain
    get free domain
    get free domain name
    Click Choose a domain ( for your Website - See more at:
    Click Create your Website button to start the wizard. - See more at:

    Tuesday, 11 February 2014

    Get free domain name

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     Get Your free domain .com .org

    free domain name and website

    Monday, 10 February 2014

    DNS Settings on Linux

    1. watch video


    Manual DNS

    There may be times you need to change your server's DNS settings, either because you find they're misconfigured or because you want to use your own. Fortunately there isn't a lot of work involved in changing the DNS servers, just a quick edit in the right place.


    On Linux the DNS servers the system uses for name resolution are defined in the file:
    It's spelled just like that, with no "e" at the end of "resolv".
    In that file we'll want to have at least one "nameserver" line (two is better, so we have a fallback). Each line defines a DNS server.
    The name servers will be prioritized in the order the system finds them in the file. Use the IP addresses of the name servers when entering them, since the system won't know what to do with domain names until after it knows how to get to the DNS servers.
    Open resolv.conf with an editor like nano to make the necessary changes (if it doesn't exist already this will create the file for us):
    sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

    Rackspace Cloud Hong Kong

    If your Cloud Server is in the Hong Kong (HKG) datacenter you should use:

    Rackspace Cloud UK

    If you're on Rackspace Cloud UK you can use our closest DNS servers by making the contents of the /etc/resolv.conf file read:

    Rackspace Cloud USA - ORD

    If your Cloud Server is in the US Chicago (ORD) datacenter you should use:

    Rackspace Cloud USA - DFW

    If your Cloud Server is in the US Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) datacenter you should use:

    Rackspace Cloud AUS - SYD

    If your Cloud Server is in the Sydney, Australia datacenter you should use:

    A quick test

    Once you have your DNS servers set, save the file. And you're done. No reboot required.
    The easiest way to make sure your new settings are good ones is to try to ping a domain name:
    ping -c 3
    You should see a result like:
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=249 time=25.3 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=249 time=25.2 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=249 time=25.2 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 25.236/25.292/25.392/0.147 ms
    If you get an "unknown host" message back you should double-check the IP addresses you set as your DNS servers.


    If you're using IPv6 on your server you may need to add the IPv6 addresses of your name servers to resolv.conf.  You can see if a DNS server has an IPv6 address with two steps.
    First, use "host" to get the name of the server:
    $ host domain name pointer
    Then use the domain name you got back in another "host" lookup:
    $ host has address has IPv6 address 2001:4800:d::1
    If an IPv6 address is returned you can add that as another "nameserver" line in resolv.conf, as in:
    nameserver 2001:4800:d::1
    Then test as above, using the "ping6" command instead of the regular "ping" command to force the system to use IPv6.


    It's that simple - change or add those name servers and once the settings are saved the system will use them right away. Make sure the changes take with a quick ping to test it and you'll be done.

    windows command prompt

    windows command prompt

    The Command Prompt program allows you to work in an environment that looks more like a traditional operating system as opposed to the icon based Windows environment. In Command Prompt, you will use your keyboard. You won't use your mouse at all. Command Prompt works at a lower level than Windows. This means that you will have more control over the machine. The disadvantage is that it is less user-friendly.
    You will need the command prompt in COS 126 to compile and execute your Java programs. Learning the Command Prompt also provides a gradual transition to Unix and Linux systems, which are prevalent in science, engineering, and industry.
    To launch Command Prompt select Start -> Runand type cmd in the box.
    The Command Prompt shows up as a black terminal window. The command prompt should look something like:
    This is where you type commands. The boldface type below (that follows the command prompt) is what you should type as you work through this tutorial. Windows does not care if you use upper or lower case. That means that command cd is the same as CD. It also means that, in Windows, file is the same as This is NOT true in the system to which you will be submitting your files. Be very careful!!!

    Some Useful Commands
    • javac:  To compile a Java program, use the javaccommand. Your program should compile without any errors or warnings (or if there are warnings be absolutely sure that they do not indicate a flaw in your program). 
    • java:  To run a successfully compiled Java program, use the java command.
      C:\>java HelloWorld
    • more:  Display the contents of a file one screenful at a time.
    • exit:  Exit the Command Prompt program and close the terminal window.
    Working with Files and Directories
    You can also use Command Prompt commands to organize files into a directory hierarchy. These commands are equivalent to corresponding commands that you access via the Windows point-and-click interface. It is useful to be familiar with both interfaces for managing files.
    • dir:  To view the contents of a directory, type dir. This command will list all the files and directories within the current directory. It is analogous to clicking on a Windows folder to see what's inside.
      C:\> dir
      Volume in drive C has no label.
      Volume Serial Number is C8C7-BDCD

      Directory of C:\

      10/26/2004 01:36 PM 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT
      10/26/2004 01:36 PM 0 CONFIG.SYS
      02/10/2005 01:36 PM 126
      12/09/2004 12:11 AM DIR Documents and Settings
      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR introcs
      11/02/2004 08:31 PM DIR j2sdk1.4.2_06
      12/29/2004 07:15 PM DIR Program Files
      01/13/2005 07:33 AM DIR WINDOWS
      3 File(s) 126 bytes
      5 Dir(s) 32,551,940,096 bytes free
      There are 7 items in this directory. Some of them are files, like Others are directories, like introcs.
    • cd:   It is frequently useful to know in which directory you are currently working. In order to find out, type cd at the command prompt.
      C:\> cd
      To change directories, use the cd command with the name of a directory.
      C:\> cd introcs
      Now, the command prompt will be:
      To see what is in this directory type:
      C:\introcs> dir 
      Volume in drive C has no label.
      Volume Serial Number is C8C7-BDCD

      Directory of C:\introcs

      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR .
      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR ..
      02/03/2005 11:53 PM 126
      01/17/2005 01:16 AM 256 readme.txt
      2 File(s) 382 bytes
      2 Dir(s)
      To return to the previous directory, use the cd command, but this time followed by a space and two periods.
      C:\introcs> cd ..
    • mkdir: To create a new directory, use the command mkdir. The following command creates a directory named hello, which you can use to to store all of your files associated with the Hello World assignment.
      C:\introcs> mkdir hello
      To see that it actually worked, use the dir command.
      C:\introcs> dir 
      Volume in drive C has no label.
      Volume Serial Number is C8C7-BDCD

      Directory of C:\introcs

      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR .
      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR ..
      02/11/2005 02:53 PM DIR hello
      02/03/2005 11:53 PM 126
      01/17/2005 01:16 AM 256 readme.txt
      2 File(s) 382 bytes
      3 Dir(s)
    • move: Now, move the two files and readme.txt into the hello directory using the move command.
      C:\introcs> move hello
      C:\introcs> move readme.txt hello
      C:\introcs> dir
      Volume in drive C has no label.
      Volume Serial Number is C8C7-BDCD

      Directory of C:\introcs

      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR .
      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR ..
      02/11/2005 02:53 PM DIR hello
      0 File(s) 0 bytes
      3 Dir(s)
      The two files are no longer visible from the current directory. To access the two files, change directories with the cd command. Then use the dir command to see what is in this new directory.
      C:\introcs> cd hello
      C:\introcs\hello> dir
      Volume in drive C has no label.
      Volume Serial Number is C8C7-BDCD

      Directory of C:\introcs\hello

      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR .
      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR ..
      02/03/2005 11:53 PM 126
      01/17/2005 01:16 AM 256 readme.txt
      2 File(s) 382 bytes
      2 Dir(s)
      You can also use move to rename a file. Simply specify a new filename instead of a directory name. Suppose you accidentally messed up the upper and lower case and had saved as Use two move commands to fix it.
      C:\introcs\hello> dir
      Volume in drive C has no label.
      Volume Serial Number is C8C7-BDCD

      Directory of C:\introcs\hello

      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR .
      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR ..
      02/03/2005 11:53 PM 126
      01/17/2005 01:16 AM 256 readme.txt
      2 File(s) 382 bytes
      2 Dir(s)

      C:\introcs\hello> move
      C:\introcs\hello> move
      C:\introcs\hello> dir
      Volume in drive C has no label.
      Volume Serial Number is C8C7-BDCD

      Directory of C:\introcs\hello

      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR .
      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR ..
      02/03/2005 11:53 PM 126
      01/17/2005 01:16 AM 256 readme.txt
      2 File(s) 382 bytes
      2 Dir(s)

      It takes two moves because Windows won't let you move to an already existing filename and, to Windows, is the same as
    • copy:  To make a copy of a file, use the copy command. The following command creates a backup copy of our program. This is especially useful when you modify a working program, but might want to revert back to the original version if your modifications don't succeed. 
      C:\introcs\hello> copy HelloWorld.bak
      C:\introcs\hello> dir
      Volume in drive C has no label.
      Volume Serial Number is C8C7-BDCD

      Directory of C:\introcs\hello

      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR .
      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR ..
      02/03/2005 11:53 PM 126
      01/17/2005 01:16 AM 256 readme.txt
      2 File(s) 382 bytes
      3 Dir(s)
    • del:  Subsequently, you might want to clean up useless files. The del command deletes a file. 
      C:\introcs\hello> del HelloWorld.bak
      C:\introcs\hello> dir
      Volume in drive C has no label.
      Volume Serial Number is C8C7-BDCD

      Directory of C:\introcs

      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR .
      02/10/2005 08:59 PM DIR ..
      02/03/2005 11:53 PM 126
      01/17/2005 01:16 AM 256 readme.txt
      2 File(s) 382 bytes
      3 Dir(s)
      WARNING: When you revise a file in jEdit, the jEdit program will automatically save a backup copy of your original file in the same directory. The name of the backup file will be the name of the original file with a ~ at the end. When you submit your program be careful to submit and not which is an old version of the file and has the wrong name.
    • wildcards:  You can also apply the copy, del, and movecommands to several files (or directories) at once. To create a new directory called loops, and copy all of the files in the hello directory C:\introcs\hello\into this newly created directory type:
      C:\introcs> mkdir loops
      C:\introcs> copy c:\introcs\hello\* loops
      Here the * matches all files in the C:\introcs\hello directory. It copies them to your newly created loops directory.
    Two important abstractions in Command Prompt are standard input and standard output. By default standard input is your keyboard, and standard output is your computer screen. For example, in Assignment 1, we write a program that reads input using and writes output using System.out.println(). To run our program, the user types the command "java CenterofMass" and enters double type values in triplets: xposition yposition mass from the keyboard. The results appear in the terminal window.
    C:\introcs\loops> java CenterofMass
    0 0 10
    1 1 10
    0.5 0.5 20
    • Redirecting standard input.As an alternative, we can create a file that consists of the same six input numbers. Using a text editor (like jEdit), create a file named input.txt, and type in the six numbers. After saving the file in the loops directory, type the following command to verify that you entered the integers correctly:
      C:\introcs\loops> more input.txt
      0 0 10
      1 1 10
      Then to read the integers from the file instead of the keyboard, we use the redirection symbol "<".
      C:\introcs\loops> java CenterofMass < input.txt
      0.5 0.5 20
      This produces exactly the same result as if the user had typed the numbers, except that the user has no opportunity to enter numbers from the keyboard. This is especially useful for two reasons. First, if there are lots of input values (there are over 700 inputs for Assignment 2) it would be tedious to retype them in each time we run our program.  Second, it allows programs to be automated, without waiting for user interaction. This means that your grader can process your homework programs without typing in the input values by hand each time.
    • Redirecting standard output. Similarly it is possible to redirect the output to a file instead of to the screen. Continuing with the same example, if we want to save the output permanently, we can use the output redirection symbol '>'. 
      C:\introcs\loops> java CenterofMass > output.txt
      0 0 10
      1 1 10
      The user still types in the input values from the keyboard, but instead of sending the output to the screen, it is sent to the file named output.txt. Note that all printf output is sent to the file, even the statement that tells the user what to do. Be careful, if the file output.txt already exists, it will be overwritten. (To append use '>>' instead.)
      phoenix.Princeton.EDU% more output.txt
    • Redirecting standard input and standard output. It is often useful to use both redirection operations simultaneously.
      C:\introcs\loops> java CenterofMass < input.txt > output2.txt 
      After executing this command, no output appears on the screen, but the file output2.txt now contains exactly the same data as output.txt above.
    Another useful abstraction is piping.  Piping is when the output of one program is used as the input of another program. For example, suppose we want to view the output of a program, but there is so much that it whizzes by on the screen too fast to read. (The program prints out a bunch of random integers.) One possible way to accomplish this is to type the following two commands.
    C:\introcs> java RandInts > temp.txt
    C:\introcs> more < temp.txt
    Note that more will work by redirecting the file temp.txt to standard input (as is done here) or by simply using the filename (as is done at the beginning of the document). Instead, we could do this in one line using the pipe symbol '|'
    C:\introcs> java RandInts | more
    This is often useful when debugging a program, especially if your program goes into an infinite loop and you want to see the first few values that it prints.

    Sunday, 9 February 2014

    facebook recover deleted messages inbox

    Facebook Recovering deleted messages

    If you deleted a message from your Facebook chat and you want it back, follow these easy steps:
    • Sign into Facebook
    • Go to "Messages"

    Facebook: Recovering deleted messages
    • Click on "More" and select "Archived"

    Facebook: Recovering deleted messages
    Deleted messages will be displayed.

    tags  Facebook  Recovering deleted messages ,Facebook deleted messages Recovering
    facebook recovering deleted messages
    facebook recovering deleted messages
    facebook recovering deleted messages

    Saturday, 8 February 2014

    How to Unlike a Facebook Page

    How to Unlike a Facebook Page

    How to Unlike a Facebook Page
    How to unlike all facebook page
    How to unlike facebook pages fast

    Friday, 7 February 2014

    Recover My Files

    Loss of photo is very common in fast life, everybody want to secure their important photos. Due to less storage capacity of camera or your mobile phone, you transfer the photo to computer with window 7. Due to some error in windows, photos are lost . The loss of photo can happen due to many reasons like virus or worms attack on photo, accidental deletion of photo, errors due to unneeded partition, any software issue, loading unwanted photos on your computer, power off during photo transfer. To avoid this type of problem, you should use windows 7 photo recovery software, The software is very useful for saving photo. If you loss the photo due to any reason, you can restore from backup file, known as restore point. Due to its easy installation user interface, you can install very easily. if you have fear about your photo that it can be lost, then you must use the window 7 recovery software.

    how to record screen on mac with sound

    How to record screen on mac with sound

    How to record screen on mac with sound

    How to record screen on mac with sound

    Thursday, 6 February 2014

    How to record video on mac

    How to record video on mac?

    You may want to record videos in your Mac computer for some movies, software instructions, online lectures, teleconference conversations, audio and video data in online chat, video game processes and etc. You probably want to use a software to video recorder on Mac.

    Most of the recording software may have one or two simple functions, which can cause many labor redundancies and human mistakes. For example, some software only allows you to capture the whole desktop and you need to attach it to other picture editor tools or when you record the video, you can't pause it or insert instruction words. Repetitive actions can lead to mistake very easily.

    Screen Capture Mac has multifunctional features. With this ideal tool, you can capture your favorite sites easily and edit them on this tool as you like. It's available for you to partially capture any part of desktop, videos, websites or other pictures on your computer window.

    The Screen Capture for Mac has considered those inconveniences. It contains options for you to choose audio record from inside the computer file or from microphone, to pause while in the record, to choose patio of the window, to make some edit on the video directly and etc. In order to make your demo or tutorial more animated and compelling, Screen Capture for Mac is obviously a very good choice for you.

    Quicktime Quick Info

    At a first glance, you would say that Quicktime is a traditional media player, which is compatible with various audio, video and image formats, but it is actually a multimedia framework. It comes preinstalled with Mac OS X, but it is available for Windows as well. A large number of media applications rely on this framework. In plain terms, if you install Quicktime on your computer, other programs, like players or editors, will supports certain formats, like MOV.

    Of course, you can still use Quicktime like any other media player. It lets you play local files or online media, if you provide the appropriate URL. You can find many other useful features, but most of them are available only in the Pro version. When launched, Quicktime will not display the player interface right away. Instead, it will display a window with various links, for movie trailers, TV shoes, music, apps and more.

    how to record video on mac quicktime mac

    Camtasia for Mac Features

     Use Camtasia's powerful screen recorder to capture anything on your screen. Or, import camera video, music, photos, and more to truly customize your videos.

    CamStudio for Mac Alternative to Record Screen

    CamStudio is a free screen recoding software that records your screen and save to AVI files. With it, you can easily make a software demo or a video presentation. Millions of users all over the world choose CamStudio to capture PowerPoint slides, software demonstrations, web pages, game videos and more. The most amazing part is that CamStudio is an open source and free program so you can

    get it without any charge, no matter personal or business use

    how to record video on mac camstudio




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    how to record video on mac with sound

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     how to record video on skype

    how to record video on facebook 

    Tuesday, 4 February 2014

    How To Reset a Windows 8 Password

     lost your password?

    How To Reset a Windows 8 Password

    haw to reset your Windows 8 password?. In fact, as long as you can closely follow the detailed instructions outlined below, it's not even that difficult.
    How To Reset a Windows 8 PasswordThe "hack" outlined below is harmless and works very well but it's not exactly Microsoft-sanctioned. Ideally you'd use a Windows 8 password reset disk haw to reset your Windows 8 password. Unfortunately, the only way to use one of those is if you had the forethought to create one before forgetting your password! I do recommend you make one as soon as you get back in (see Step 10 below).
    Important: The Windows 8 password reset trick below only works if you're using a local account. If you use an email address to logon to Windows 8 then you're not using a local account, you're using a Microsoft account, and you should follow my How To Reset Your Microsoft Account Password tutorial instead.
    Some other ways also exist to recover or reset a forgotten Windows 8 password, like using password recovery software. See my Help! I Forgot My Windows 8 Password! for the full list of ideas.
    Follow these easy steps to reset your Windows 8 password:
    Difficulty: Average
    Time Required: Considering that there are several steps involved, it might take up to an hour to reset your Windows 8 password.
    Applies To: You can reset your Windows 8 password this way no matter what edition of Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 you're using.
    Here's How:
    1. Access Advanced Startup Options. In Windows 8, all of the important diagnostic and repair options available to you can be found on the Advanced Startup Options (ASO) menu.

      Important: There are six ways to access the ASO menu, all described in the link above, but some are only available if you can already get into Windows 8, which you can't do since you don't know the password. I recommend following Method 4, which requires that you have a Windows 8 setup disc or flash drive, or Method 5, which requires that you have, or create, a Windows 8 Recovery Drive. Method 6 works too, if your computer supports it.
    2. Touch or click on Troubleshoot, then Advanced options, and finally Command Prompt.
    3. Now that Command Prompt is open, type the following command:
      copy c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\
      ...and then press Enter. You should see a 1 file(s) copied confirmation.
    4. Next, type this command, again followed by Enter:
      copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe
      Answer with Y or Yes to question about the overwrite of the utilman.exe file. You should now see another file copy confirmation.
    5. Remove any flash drives or discs that you may have booted from in Step 1 and then restart your computer.
    6. Once the Windows 8 logon screen is available, click the Ease of Access icon at the bottom-left corner of the screen. Command Prompt should now open.

      What?! Command Prompt? That's right! The changes you made in Step 3 & 4 above replaced the Ease of Access tools with Command Prompt (don't worry, you'll reverse these changes in Step 11). Now that you have access to a command line, you can reset your Windows 8 password.
    7. Next you need to execute the net user command as shown below, replacing myusername with your user name, and mynewpassword with the password you'd like to begin using:
      net user myusername mynewpassword
      For example, on my computer, I would execute the command like this:
      net user "Tim Fisher" a@rdvarksar3skarY
      Note: You only need to use double quotes around your username if it happens to have a space in it.

      Tip: If you get a The user name could not be found message, execute net user to see the list of Windows 8 users on the computer for reference and then try again with a valid username. A System error 8646 / The system is not authoritative for the specified account... message indicates that you're using a Microsoft account to login to Windows 8, not a local account. See the Important call-out in the introduction at the top of this page for more on that.
    8. Close Command Prompt.
    9. Login with the new password you set in Step 7!
    10. Now that your Windows 8 password has been reset and you're back in, either create a Windows 8 password reset disk or switch your local account to a Microsoft account. No matter which you choose, you'll finally have legitimate, and much easier to use, Windows 8 password reset options.
    11. Finally, you should reverse the hack that makes this password reset trick work in Windows 8. To do that, repeat Steps 1 & 2 above.

      Once Command Prompt is open again, execute this command:
      copy c:\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe
      Confirm the overwriting by answering Yes and then restart your computer.

    How To Reset a Windows 8 Password


    Reset a Windows 8 Password

    How To Reset a Windows 7 Password

    Monday, 3 February 2014

    How to recover windows 7 password

    How to recover windows 7 password



    how to recover windows 7 password on your computer, probably because you have forgotten , let me first assure you that it is not only very possible all, it is not even that difficult.

    is not included in Windows haw to reset Windows 7 password Fortunately, it is not smart reset password trick I described below is easy enough for anyone to try.

    Prefer screenshots? Try my step by step guide how to recover windows 7 password for easy walk through !

    Note: There are several ways to restore or retrieve a forgotten password of Windows 7, including software recovery password. For a complete list of options , see my help! I forgot my Windows 7 password ! .

    ow to change your password for Windows 7 to help .

    Follow these simple steps to how to recover windows 7 password:

    Difficulty: Medium

    Here's how :

        Correctly how to recover windows 7 password installation DVD, or disk Windows 7 system , optical drive and restart the computer repair . If you have a flash drive , it will work too.

        Tip:  DVDg to do so.

        Nnot have the original Windows 7 media and never make a system Windows 7 friend) , you can burn a disc free system repair. See How to create a system repair disc in Windows 7 for a tutorial .
    nguage options and keyboard.

        Tip: You will not see this screen, or do you see the splash screen Windows 7 typical session ? It is very probable that you start your computer from the hard disk ( as it usually does ) rather than the flash drive inserted , which is what you want or . See the link at the top of step 1 above using .

        Click repair your computer link how to recover windows 7 password

        Once the facility is located, note the drive letter that is in the Location column . Most installations of Windows 7 is

        Notever, when starting Windows 7 install or repair facilities , a hidden unit is available which is generally not . This unit is given the first available drive letter , probably C: , leaving the next available drive letter , probably D: to the next unit - which has Windows 7 installed.

        Select the Windows 7

        In the System Recovery Options , select Command to recover windows 7 password

    he computer .how to recover windows 7 password

        You can close the Command Prompt window and click Reset , but is also very goodcomputer.

     the small icon at the bottom land then click it !

        Tip: if the normal login screen of Windows 7 does not appear , verify that you have removed the flash drive inserted in step 1 or . Your team can continue starting this device instead of the hard drive if it is not eliminated.
     as shown to replace myusername with your username and mypassword with any new password you want to use :

        net user myusername mypassword

        For example, I would do something like this:

        Tip: If your user name contains spaces, put quotes around it when the user performance and the net user "Tim Fisher" 1lov3blueberrie dollars.

        Close the Command Prompt window .

        Sign in with your new password !

        Create Disc Windows 7 Password Reset! This is the proactive step approved by Microsoft should have done long ago. All you need is a flash drive or a blank floppy disk and you will never have to worry about forgetting to new Windows 7 password.

        Confirm the crash and restart the computer.

    Tips:how to recover windows 7 password

        Having trouble resetting the password of Windows 7? See more help for information

    how to recover windows 7 password

    Sunday, 2 February 2014

    Where Can I Download Windows 8 or 8.1?

     Where Can I Download Windows 8 or 8.1?
    Where Can I get Windows 8 or 8.1?

    Where Can I Download Windows 8 or 8.1?

    Where Can I Download Windows 8 or 8.1?

    Where Can I Download Windows 8 or 8.1?

    There are any number of reasons why someone might want to download Windows 8, or maybe the newer Windows 8.1. Most obviously, if you don't have Windows 8, getting your hands on the operating system via a download is much easier than buying a boxed copy.
    Even if you already have Windows 8 on a computer, most manufacturers don't include a copy, making a clean install of Windows 8 or 8.1 pretty much impossible, as well some kinds of troubleshooting that having a copy of Windows 8 available makes a lot easier.
    Finally, maybe you just want to give it a try on a spare computer or on a virtual machine. You've seen the prices for Windows 8 and it isn't cheap. There are probably free copies of Windows 8 floating around somewhere, right?
    Answer: There are several ways to download Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 online, the majority of them completely legal and directly from Microsoft. There is a Windows 8 trial option, as well as some not-so-legal methods of downloading Windows 8, all of which I discuss below.
    Note: If you do have a copy of Windows 8 or 8.1 (in ISO format or on a disc or flash drive) and also have that copy of Windows 8 installed and working but you've lost your product key, there may be a way to find it. See How To Find Your Windows 8 or 8.1 Product Key for help.

    Download Windows 8 & 8.1 the Legal Way

    There are four, completely legal ways to download a full copy of Windows 8.1.
    The first method applies only to students (as well as faculty & staff) with valid .edu email addresses and is pretty straightforward: purchase and download Windows 8.1 Pro from Microsoft for only $69.99 USD. It's as simple as that. You'll get a copy of Windows 8.1 in ISO format, ready for burning to a disc or transferring to a USB device.
    The second method is identical in process but without the deep discount. Purchase and download from Microsoft either Windows 8.1 for $119.99 USD or Windows 8.1 Pro for $199.99 USD. Boxed copies are also available if you'd rather.
    Windows 8 vs Windows 8.1: If you're new to Windows 8, purchasing Windows 8.1 (Windows 8 with the 8.1 update already included) is probably the smartest choice. Sometimes you can find a less expensive boxed copy of Windows 8 (before the 8.1 update) from retailers like TigerDirect, NewEgg, (and others), which you can then update to Windows 8.1 for free after installation.
    Your third option is to download Windows 8.1 or Windows 8 for "free" as part of a paid MSDN Subscription, costing $699 USD per year for a new subscription, or $499 USD if you're renewing. This is a professional subscription program available for purchase by anyone, but designed for software developers. You get access to all full versions of Windows 8 & 8.1, including valid product keys, in addition to software and keys for almost every software and operating system Microsoft has ever created.
    The MSDN program is anything but cheap. Unless you're an software developer or some other professional IT person that needs access to multiple operating systems, an MSDN subscription probably isn't a cost effective ways to legally download Windows 8.
    Your fourth and final option is to download, for free, a copy of Windows 8.1 Enterprise. Yes, of course there's a catch: after 90-days, your computer will begin to shut down every hour and will continue to do so until you replace the operating system. In other words, this is a trial version of Windows 8.1, designed for hardware and software developers to test their products on. This might be useful if you need very short term access to Windows 8.1 but it's not a long term solution.
    Note: If you already have a Windows 8 or 8.1 disc or ISO and are only trying to download Windows 8 because you need to install it on a computer without an optical drive, there is a way to get the files from the disc or ISO onto a flash drive. See How To Install Windows 8 or 8.1 From USB for a complete tutorial.

    Other "Free" Windows 8 & 8.1 Downloads

    Any other free or incredibly inexpensive Windows 8 or 8.1 download you find online is almost certainly illegal, including Windows 8 ISO files you might find on torrent sites. Legal issues aside, these Windows 8 downloads, unlike the official ones from Microsoft, run the very serious risk of containing a surprise or two.
    For example, a number of Windows 8 & 8.1 downloads available from unofficial sources are "cracked" versions of Windows 8 installation discs. By "cracked" I mean that they've been changed for one reason or another and could easily contain malware. It would be very unfortunate to install Windows 8 on your computer and be automatically infected with a virus.
    Important: Please know that when you pay for Windows 8, what you're actually paying for is the product key used to activate Windows 8. In other words, even if you do download Windows 8 from someone other than Microsoft, you'll still need a valid Windows 8 product key to use the operating system.

    Don't Download Windows 8: Replace It

    A much better option for those of you with lost or broken, but valid, copies of Windows 8 or 8.1 is to order replacement media. In your case, there's no reason to pay full price for another copy of Windows 8 or risk being infected with malware.
    If Windows 8 came preinstalled on your computer, and you did have DVD or flash media but now it's damaged or lost, contact your computer maker for a replacement. Depending on their policy, your computer maker may provide you with Windows 8 media for free or a small fee.
    If you legitimately purchased and downloaded Windows 8 from Microsoft, you can download Windows 8 or 8.1 again here, so long as you have your product key documented.
    If you purchased a retail Windows 8 DVD, you can contact the Microsoft Supplemental Parts team and request a replacement.
    While not a replacement for Windows 8, please know that you also have the option to create a Recovery Drive for Windows 8 using a friend's Windows 8 PC, all for the cost of a small flash drive. Your Recovery Drive can be used to perform all the diagnostic and repair functions that a full copy of Windows 8 can. See How To Create a Windows 8 or 8.1 Recovery Drive for instructions.

     Where Can I Download Windows 8 or 8.1?
    Where Can I get Windows 8 or 8.1?

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