Monday, 30 September 2013

HTC One X users in India get Android 4.2.2 update, get Sense 5 UI, BlinkFeed, new keyboard, battery status indicator and much more

A very good news from a very lazy company when it comes to OS updates.  Just days after the HTC Corporation made Android 4.2.2 available for HTC Butterfly devices,  HTC today confirmed that it was unrolling the Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update for HTC One X in India.  
HTC One X users in India get Android 4.2.2 update, get Sense 5 UI, BlinkFeed, new keyboard, battery status indicator and much more

The update will bring the following changes to your HTC One X if you own one.  

  • Android 4.2.2 and Sense 5
  • HTC BlinkFeed
  • New lock screen style: widget
  • Show battery level in status bar
  • Add sleep mode option in Power settings Notofications
  • Quick settings
  • AE/AF lock feature: lock exposure/focus at viewfinder screen
  • Video Highlights
  • Music player with visualization and lyrics
  • New HTC keyboard
The update will be made available to you Over-the-Air (OTA) but you could update this one over Wi-Fi as this is a hefty update. Go to Settings > About > Software Updates > Check now. Do remember to check that box for "Update over Wi-Fi only" to help conserve your data usage.”

Vanished, a audio only experimental horror game for iPhone available for free download only for today

How about a horror game which contains audio and none of the gory graphics that we usual tend to think when we think of horror. Pixel Heart an independent publisher has made just that and it is called Vanished.  As a promo, Pixel Heart is giving out  Vanished for free till 1st October.
Vanished, a audio only experimental horror game for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch available for free download only for today

Vanished is the first audio only and a horror game.  It plans to scare you through sound and the game play involves you shaking your iPhone to kill the beings or ghosts.  When you download the game you will find yourself in a world without light and have no memories of how you got there.  Only thing that will be present through out the game is visually haunting audio.  The game contains one touch gameplay i.e. you just have to hold your iPhone, face the direction you want to go and touch the screen to walk. Shake the device to attack. It's as simple as that.
-Real life simulated combat system. Will you survive a monster apocalypse? Only your skills and reflexes will determinate it!
-Fearsome sound effects in 3D audio!
-Fully voiced story, narrated by the famous voice actor Peter Baker!
-Exp and Level system: grow the strength of your character and get more powerful weapons by killing as many monsters as you can!

Pixel Heart claims that the game is a experimental one and if you would prefer to try out this Pixel Heart experiment, try out the Vanishing today on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch for free. Download the game from Apple Store.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Laptop Acer Extensa LED del HDD parpadea 3 veces


Si tienes esta laptop y de repente cuando la enciendes no da señal de video y el led del disco duro parpadea 3 veces, luego parpadea 3 veces mas y se apaga por completo

No te preocupes, la laptop no esta muerta, tiene solucion



Cambiar la bateria CR2032 interna de la laptop, esta bateria es la que se encarga de guarda la fecha y hora en el equipo

Normalmente o mejor dicho, en la mayoria de los equipo que he revisado, ya sea Laptop o PC, pueden funcionar con normalidad sin dicha bateria, lo unico es que si se desconecta complemente de la corriente, perdera la fecha y hora y tendra que configurarse de nuevo

Bateria CR2032


El detalle esta en que hay que desarmar la laptop casi completamente para poder reemplazar dicha bateria, la bateria esta casi debajo del touchpad, como unos dos dedos a la izquierda del touchpad

Increiblemente no hay ni un manual o usuario que haya posteado una guia de desarmado de una Acer Extensa 5420, me canse de buscar y no encuentro manual

Yo lo unico que pude tomar fue una foto a la laptop despues de haberle reemplazado la bateria CR2032

Acer Extensa 5420-5687

Fue algo engorroso desarmarla, pero aqui les presento los pasos para desarmarla, pero recuerda que puedo saltarme alguno que otro paso por alli



  1. Destornillador de estrella/estria Phillips para laptop
  2. Tarjeta de credito/debito (no es para pagarme xD)
  3. Mucha paciencia


Pasos para desarmarla

IMPORTANTE: tener en cuenta que puedes tener estatica y puedes terminar dañando la laptop, si no te sientes comodo/a al abrir la laptop es mejor llevarla a un Centro de Servicios, ellos lo haran en menos de 30 minutos

  1. Quitar la bateria (la bateria tiene un seguro, es como un switch pequeño que tiene unos candados de abierto y cerrado, luego sacas la bateria con el otro switch que es mas largo)
  2. Abrir la unica tapa que esta debajo de la laptop, creo que son 5/6 tornillos, donde estan el disco duro, memorias y el wifi
  3. Quitar la/s memorias
  4. Quitar el disco duro, creo que son 2 tornillos
  5. Solo desconecta los dos cables, blanco y negro que la tarjeta wifi
  6. Ahora empieza el desarmado de la laptop, desatornilla los 17/16 tornillos que de la carcasa de la laptop
  7. Quita la unidad de CD/DVD
  8. Quita los tornillos que estan por la unidad de CD/DVD creo que es 1 o 2 tornillos
  9. Ahora vamos al teclado, para quitar el panel de encendido, con un destornillador de pala o mejor aun, un tarjeta de credito/debito, desde la parte izquierda, levanta con mucho CUIDADO el panel, no lo levantes mucho ya que esta conectado con una membrana a la tarjeta madre, disculpa que no se como explicar la manera se sacar este panel, es algo engorroso pero ya lo descubriras
  10. Desconecta el panel de encendido (aunque yo no lo desconecte)
  11. Quita los 2 tornillos que sujetan la base de la pantalla, estan en la esquinas superiores, recuerda desconectar el cable de la pantalla y otro cable muy pequeño que estan casi a la izquierda
  12. Quita la base de la pantalla, cuidado ya que tambien estan los cables de la antena wifi, cables blanco y negro que mande a desconectarlos en el 5° paso, es mejor no sacar por completo la pantalla solo hasta donde te dejen estos cables de la antena wifi
  13. Quita los 2 tornillos del teclado, recuerda que el teclado esta sujetado con su membrana a la tarj. madre, retira la membrana y quita el teclado
  14. Desconecta las dos membranas que vienen del touchpad
  15. Ahora puedes ir abriendo la laptop con muuucho cuidado, de hecho si leventas por donde esta el touchpad, un poco a la izquierda veras la pila CR2032, la bateria esta conetada casi igual que como estan en la tarj madre de PC de escritorio, para un mejor resultado es mejor quitar la carcasa de arriba para asi tener comodidad a la hroa de reemplazar la bateria ya que si haces como yo no quite la carcasa de arriba, se me hizo algo dificil quitar la bateria CR2032 del plastico que la sujeta ya que hay que pujarla desde adentro para que salga
  16. Solo quita la bateria CR2032 y coloca la nueva
  17. Antes de armarla de nuevo, puedes aprovecha y hacerle mantenimiento
  18. A volver a armarla, no es dificil ya que esta Acer no tiene mucha variedad en el tamaño de los tornillos y eso es bueno

Como dije, los pasos para el desarmado es lo que apenas recuerdo, si me pase que algun paso, que estoy seguro que si, pues por favor comentarla

Publicado en

Friday, 27 September 2013

Google Android KitKat contest for India, the link in the terms and conditions send you to a domain available website

In a obvious blooper the Google Android 4.4 KitKat contest management people have put in a hyperlink >  However the underlying link when clicked sends users here.  This link is for which is for sale.

I tried to intimate the contest management team but there is no contact link available on the contest page.   Google 4.4 KitKat is very serious about its OS launch in November and such kind of bloopers will surely dent its image.  This is not expected from the prime provider of search and maker of worlds best selling smart phone OS

Ookla 3.0 released for Android smart phones and tablets with new UI and better tablet and high res scaling options

Ookla 3.0 released for Android smart phones and tablets with new UI and better tablet and high res scaling options

The best Android network speed test App has been updated and is available in a new avatar.  The Ookla 3.0 is the ultimate speed test bench marker for users and publishers alike.  The new Ookla gives you new visuals and you can also view the results on a map thus giving you a correct idea about the map points which you give best speed and which give worst.  

Other than that Ookla now scales properly on tablets and high resolution devices.  However the publisher has removed the landscape view mode for some reason.  Other than above two changes the App remains the same.  You get the best speed result with Ookla and can export your result via a .CSV file or share them directly using the Android's share menu.

Ookla is available without ads also but you have pay $0.99 (Rs.60.00) through a in-App purchase to get that.  The free version for your Android smart phones and tablets can be downloaded from Google Play now.

'Hummingbird' search algorithm activated by Google search, will affect 90 percent of search requests on Google

After updating the Penguin 2.0 search algorithm in May 2013 to weed out the spam sites, Google has unleashed a full redesigned search algorithm,  only this time it is called 'Hummingbird.' 

'Hummingbird' search algorithm activated by Google search, will affect 90 percent of search requests on Google

Google disclosed the existence of the new search formula Thursday at an event held in the Menlo Park, California.  The new search algorithm is based on a very highly guarded formula and will henceforth power the Google search.   Insiders say that Google has completely retooled the way Google Search gives answers to the complex and often incomprehensible queries the Google users come up with.  It is also said that the 'Hummingbird' has been activated last month itself and is gradually rolled out hence the effects of the search changes and web traffic have not been noticeable to the bloggers and webmasters.  

One of the main ingredients of a web search is called 'Keyword' and Hummingbird is supposed to have changed the 'Keyword' algorithm altogether to a newer redesigned 'Keysentences' so that a exact phrase can be put up to match the Google Search users queries with best possible result.  

The Hummingbird is going to affect nearly 90% of all web searches taking place on Google Search as per Amit Singh, Senior VP at Google and head of its core ranking team.  The changes could have a major impact on traffic to websites all over the world as it revises the way Google indexes websites.  The present indexing design was activated three years ago as part of a redesign called "Caffeine" 

Bloggers and Webmasters may note that any redesign of the search parameters will have a big impact on their visitor stats as Google is the prime handler of search requests all over the world.  If you remember, last week when the Google had an outage due to technical issues, 40% of web traffic was affected.  There is also a good news for bloggers.  The Hummingbird will also drive up the price of Google ads as they will be based on a sentence parameter rather then word one and therefore Google will give a more targeted ad which turn will benefit both the publishers as well as the advertisers.  If you want to do a indepth research on the Hummingbird head over to this Hummingbird FAQ page.

Therefore if you notice any drop in your visitor stats or increase in your adsense revenue, you know whom to blame!

One of the best English puzzle games for Android smart phones and tablet, Hangman 1000

One of the best English puzzle games for Android smart phones and tablet, Hangman 1000

Quite a odd name for a beautiful English puzzle game.  But I think the publisher wants us to be puzzled by the name hence this free Android game is called Hangman 1000.  The game play is simple and will surely increase your English skills, you have to guess the word thrown up on the game.  You have many categories to play from 
List of categories :
- Brands
- Fruits
- Animals
- Car models
- Car brands
- Countries
- Capitals
- Top movies
- Celebs
- Sports
- Greek mythology
- Norse gods
- US presidents
- Mythical creatures
- TV shows
- Beverages
- Top websites
- Cocktails
- Currencies
- Food
- Musical instruments
- Premier League clubs
- Chemical elements
- Flowers
- Dog breeds
Plus the game also has Extra words pack : Gemstones, Dinosaurs, Colors, Scientists, Professions, Superheroes, Philosophers, Clothes

In case you find it difficult to find a particular word you can take your friends help via Swarm.  It opens a chatbox on the top of the App.  You can also refer to Wikipedia in case you are absolutely at loss.

Nice game to improve your English skills, download the game now for your Android smart phones and tablet from Google Play.

Android 4.4 KitKat contest launched in India, buy a specific KitKat and win a Google 2013 Nexus 7

Android 4.4 KitKat contest launched in India, buy a specific KitKat and win a Google 2013 Nexus 7

If you were fuming about the Google and Hershey's Android 4.4 KitKat Contest not being available in India, you are in for great news.  Google has now launched the contest in India too.  

In first week of September, 2013 when the Android 4.4 KitKat was launched, Google had announced a contest in the United States where the winners received a Google 2013 Nexus 7 and Google Play Credits.  The contest at that point of time was available only to US citizens.  Now Google has launched a India specific Android 4.4 KitKat contest and you stand to win a Google 2013 Nexus 7 every hour on the hour.  
Android 4.4 KitKat contest launched in India, buy a specific KitKat and win a Google 2013 Nexus 7

All you have to do is purchase a KitKat chocolate candy.  You have to buy KitKat that are specific packs and are easily recognisable. They are dark in colour and have Android mascot printed on them. When you unwrap the chocolate, each pack has a special eight digit code which you have to SMS on 9880298802 as below :

SMS KITKAT <space> <8 digit code>

Android 4.4 KitKat contest launched in India, buy a specific KitKat and win a Google 2013 Nexus 7

Once you send the message you will receive a feedback message saying that you will be contacted soon.  You can keep yourself abreast of the contest happenings here.   

Google will be giving away 1000 Google Nexus 7 tablets and the last date of the contest is 15th November, 2013.  Remember the Offer is applicable on KIT KAT 2F, 4F & KIT KAT Dark only. So have a break, go out and have yourself a KitKat and maybe you will win the Google Nexus 7.  

Best of luck !!!

Ad-hoc Bonus Orders for 2012-13 for Government Employees issued, download now

Ad-hoc Bonus Orders for 2012-13 for Government Employees issued, download now

In the fastest flurry of Government activity seen in a long long time, today the authorities issued the orders for Non Productivity Linked Bouns (Ad-Hoc Bonus) for Government employees.  The Bonus is payable to all the Government employees who do not qualify for the Productivity Linked Bonus (mostly all Government employees). The Ad-hoc Bonus will be payable to those who have completed a year of service as on 31.3.2013.  Those who do not complete the 12 months will be paid proportionately for the period they have worked.  
Ad-hoc Bonus Orders for 2012-13 for Government Employees issued, download now

Though widely expected, the Finance Ministry did not raise the Rs.3500.00 limit and as such all the government employees who have completed 12 months service as on 31.3.2013 will receive Rs.3454.00.  

You can get the orders in PDF format from here.  All the important orders and news are clubbed under the label Pay Commision New, if you wish to read the rest of the important orders/news kindly click here.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Twitterati wishes PM Dr.Manmohan Singh by celebrating MaunDiwas

Twitterati wishes PM Dr.Manmohan Singh by celebrating MaunDiwas

From creating a Google Doodle to making parodies of Dr.Manmohan Singh, the Twitter generation is making full use of the social media.  Today our Prime Minister, Dr.Manmohan Singh turned 81 and the Twitter users were quick to pounce on the fact. First they named the day as #MaunDiwas (Silence Day) in obvious reference to the PM's reluctance to speak.  And next the Twitter was galore with the hastags 

I am reproducing a few of those tweets below, you can laugh, cry or sneer at them depending upon your preference.
Even I was preparing this article the Tweets kept pouring in so fast that I couldnt keep up.  Anyways a very happy Birthday to our Prime Minister on behalf of comboupdates.

A free Android App to create brilliant Bokeh, download now for your Android smart phones and tablets

A free Android App to create brilliant Bokeh, download now for your Android smart phones and tablets

To create a beautiful Bokeh is every photographers dream and this is one must have App for all wannabe artists.  For the uninitiated a Bokeh is a blur created in a photograph to increase its aesthetic quality.   Bokeh has been defined as "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light".  The end result of Bokeh are beautifully rendered photographs.  

Real Bokeh AppGratis for Android now offers you a chance to add the Bokeh filters artificially as per your preference and create that one perfect photograph.  With Real Bokeh you can also add light effects through preset 23 light leak effects.  It has around 21 bokeh shapes using which you can draw multiple Bokehs.  You can also apply multiple Bokeh to a single photo.  The Bokehs are also pretty easily customisable, you can change the size, the opacity and colours (28 colours).

Finally when you are done, you can save the image as a full res image and share it within App on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. To dowload the Real Bokeh AppGratis for free for your Android smart phones and tablets please visit Google Play here.

Deer Hunter 2014 now available for Android smart phones and tablets after being popular on iOS devices

Deer Hunter 2014 now available for Android smart phones and tablets after being popular on iOS devices

A sadistic game but a popular one on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch has finally arrived for Android smart phones and tablets.  The Deer Hunter 2014 is a FREE hunt them down game in which you shoot to kill.  Yes it is a shooting game where you hunt down the animals. You get a gun and a infrared scope to hunt them down but the targets keep getting difficult as you progress through the different missions.  
Deer Hunter 2014 now available for Android smart phones and tablets after being popular on iOS devices

Each Deer Hunter 2014 mission has a target in which you have to a certain number of animals with a shoot to kill shot or Ace shot. Your success unlocks next mission and earns you plenty of Hunter bucks.  The flip side is that each mission you embark on costs energy.  This is where the Hunter money comes into play.  The game has different play modes like  Hunting Series, Contract Hunts, Club Hunts (co-op multiplayer), or the more unique Trophy Hunts. 

The game is a bit gory but addictive at the same time and if you dont feel squeamish at shooting at animals (some endangered ones too) you can download this free game from Google Play for your Android smart phone and tablets.

iPhone, iPad and iPod users, if you already not played the game, you can download it from Apple Store

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Apple iPhone 5S fingerprint scanner bypass hacking video tutorial posted on Vimeo

Apple iPhone 5S fingerprint scanner bypass hacking video tutorial posted on Vimeo

Only a week after the announcement of iPhone 5S by Apple and its already in news for bugs and loopholes.  But this one is serious. Apple has puts a fingerprint sensor on iPhone 5S to make it theft, copy and identity proof.  But as per 9to5Mac reports, a hacker who had recently broken into the iPhone 5S using Apple's fingerprint scanner has now posted a video tutorial on how he did it.  

The video is posted on Vimeo by the hacker who goes by the name of Starbug gives the entire process of fingerprint scanning and bypass.  The hacker scans an iPhone 5S that already has someone's fingerprint.

Starbug told Ars Technica that the hack posed no challenge. He said he expected the process to take a week or two. Instead, it chewed up around 30 hours from start to finish, though with better preparation, he claims it would've taken only half an hour.

A few days earlier, a group of German hackers had done a similar hack of the fingerprint sensor.  The Apple engineers may have a new headache to solve this one and keep one up on the hackers.

Android 4.3 App Ops Permission Manager like feature 'Privacy Guard' now added to CyanogenMod 10.2 builds

Android 4.3 App Ops Permission Manager like feature 'Privacy Guard' now added to CyanogenMod 10.2 builds

Always bet on Team Cyanogen to come up with a superior feature to Google.  The Google had introduced a feature called App Ops Permission Manager in Android 4.3 version released a few weeks earlier.  The App Ops Permission Manager basically lets the user set permission for individual Apps as per their preference.  The "Permission Manager" App is already available on the Google Play Store and works only on Android 4.3.

The team Cyanogen has come up with a similar feature and has named it "Privacy Guard" but as of now this feature was not available for all CyanogenMods.  However today the CyanogenMod Google Plus post stated that  they have merged an update to Privacy Guard for 10.2 code that implements AppOps.

Android 4.3 App Ops Permission Manager like feature 'Privacy Guard' now added to CyanogenMod 10.2 builds

This means that the Privacy Guard feature will now be available for all CyanogenMod 10.2 builds.  It will have following features :
A run down of the actions: 
# Single click any app from the main PG UI to instantly toggle on/off permissions for Location, Reading Contacts, Reading Call Log, Reading Calendar and SMS/MMS. 

# Long press any app from the main PG UI to see all currently used permissions and their on/off status. Tapping the app name from this view will take you to the App Info screen. 

# A new 'Advanced' menu item allows quick access to the native AppOps UI (normally hidden). 

# A notification will appear whenever you are using an app that has a permission denied. 

# Privacy Guard can be enabled by default for all newly installed apps. This will block the Location, Reading Contacts, Reading Call Log, Reading Calendar and SMS/MMS permissions. 

# Filter to show/hide system apps from main UI view.

# A quick scroll list view by alphabet, with disabled apps shown at the bottom. 

# A quick reset button will disable PG for all enabled apps, allowing a one-click return to normal behavior

How much GOLDEN can Samsung's GalaxyS4 be?

This is probably the first time that Samsung has got its strategy wrong.  Copying Apple colours is simply not done.  However Samsung seems to think that joining the Golden Gang will get its flagship Samsung Galaxy S IV a few more buyers.

This is a apparent copy of the Apple's iPhone 5S colour and has certainly made Samsung a butt of jokes on the Twitter.  Here are few examples of Twitterati expressing their apparent displeasure about Samsung's tactics.  What caught the Twitter users fancy was the tag line used by Samsung for the Golden Galaxy S IV : Gold Edition - for a style that's uniquely yours!  The act of first copying Apples iPhone 5S and then saying that the style is uniquely yours! is a bit too much for anybody
@SamsungMobileME Samsung, the Copy Pasterino Company..
Even as I was writing this post, there were 16 new Tweets and all more damning then the previous ones.  The last Tweet made a brilliant suggestion to Samsung, maybe it should rename the Golden Samsung Galaxy S IV to Galaxy 5S  A big big marketing error from the normally cool headed South Korean Chaebol

7th Pay Commission for Government Employees approved likely to be constituted by November 2013, Retirement age to be raised to 62 years from October 2013

7th Pay Commission for Government Employees approved likely to be constituted by November 2013, Retirement age to be raised to 62 years from October 2013
As I had already foretold, political considerations have made the Government approve the constitution of VII Central Pay Commission. Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh, today approved the constitution of the 7th Pay Commission.  The Government will now issue a notification regarding the constitution of the commission, its terms of reference and the members.  The entire process could take upto 1 month and the Pay Commission should be constituted in the month of November, 2013.  The Commission will then have 2 years to submit its report to the Government.

However the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission will be in the hands of who ever is elected to the Lok Sabha with majority in the General Elections 2014.   If the party which wins the elections has absolute majority, we can expect the pay commission to be implemented well on the targeted date i.e. 1.1.2016.  But that is the hypothetical scenario.  Right now the news is that the Pay Commission has been approved with the polls in mind and round about 80 lakh voters plus their families.

In a separate breaking news, the Government will increase the retirement age of the Government employees by two years to 62 years.  The retirement age order should be enacted on 8th October 2013 however the affect of the order on those personnel retiring before October, 2013 is not clear as of yet. Delhi and Chhattisgarh have already decided to enhance the retirement age of their employees to 62 years.  

You can watch the CNBC18's video on 7th Pay Commission below

DA (Dearness Allowance) orders for 1.7.2013 issued today by the Government of India, DA fro period 1st July 2013 to 31st December 2013

DA (Dearness Allowance) orders for 1.7.2013  issued today by the Government of India, DA fro period 1st July 2013 to 31st December 2013

The Dearness Allowance orders for the period starting 1.7.2013 were issued today by Ministry of Finance.  Download the order from here and enjoy your Dussehra.

Hindi Version

Dearness Allowance orders for Madhya Pradesh employees released by the MP state government. Kindly get the order from here

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Page 46 of the Apple Terms and Conditions for iOS 7, laugh your hearts out.

Daniel Stevenson who goes with the Twitter handle of @Danny_Phantom43 has posted this one on Twitter.  It is the Page No.46 of the Apple's Terms and Conditions, you have accept before you download iOS 7 on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.  

The Twitter image has already gone viral with 4735 retweets and 1861 favourites and counting.  Some of the replies have said that this is a fake and original was posted on Reddit but I am reproducing the tweet below all the same.

Another fake messaging App, this time its Apples iMessage for Android smart phones and tablets

Another fake messaging App, this time its Apples iMessage for Android smart phones and tablets

Yesterday also saw a launch of new messaging App for Android devices which could be used cross platform between iOS devices and Android smart phones or tablets.  Everything about the App looked good, it was named iMessage which made the users think that this was official Apple iMessage messaging platform.

The difference is that Apple's iMessage messaging platform allows users of iOS and Mac devices to exchange text, pictures and other documents free of charge via a data connection and uses Apple's servers with the users' phone numbers and email IDs to process messages through the Messages app, and the closed service is restricted to only Apple devices.

As with tons of fake BBMs or the fake BlackBerry Messengers this new App is also a fake.  It is published by a developer named Daniel Zweigart and has no connection to Apple or doesn't use Apples authentication or security protocol.  In fact the App disguises itself as a Mac Mini to connect to Apple servers.  

The publisher has cleverly faked the App to look like it is a product from Apple Inc.  Even the look and feel of the app is in line with the design of iOS Apps(pre-iOS7). It was first spotted by 9to5Mac.

If you have download the App kindly be aware that it has nothing to do with Apple.  You may continue to use it till Google notices it and takes it down.  

Monday, 23 September 2013

Catch the latest Youtube songs into MP3 with FREE MP3 Youtube for Android smart phones and tablets

Catch the latest Youtube songs into MP3 with FREE  MP3 Youtube for Android smart phones and tablets

This is really a unique App which lets you download the Youtube music files by converting them into MP3 and saving them to your music library.  The best thing about it is that the files are pre converted into MP3 so you can get the best Mp3 Downloaded for free. 
With the App you can 
- Listen music
- Download music
- Look TOP music
- Look Newest music
- You don't have to move the songs! Only try to refresh your music library!
The Youtube MP3 uses a Youtube API for search music therefore you will get the latest songs on the Youtube with a tap.  To download the Youtube MP3 please visit Google Play here.

Youtube MP3 also has a online Youtube movies to MP3 conversion portal.  

An Android Peer to Peer network for sharing movies, Movie Tube Free Full Movies for Android smart phones and devices

An Android Peer to Peer network for sharing movies, Movie Tube Free Full Movies for Android smart phones and devices

Remember Napster, the peer to peer sharing network which was closed down, well Movie Tube Free Full Movies for Android aims to be the next Napster for full movies.  Movie Tube lets you share movies with others on the Internet.  You can watch the movies shared by other users and at the same time share any of which you have.  
In movies you can choose between the Categories:
- New Movies
- Action
- Adventures
- Animation
- Biography
- Comedy
- Crime
- Documentary
- Family
- History
- Horror
- Romance
- Sci-Fi
- Thriller
- Drama
- War

The Movie Tube comes with a standard disclaimer that all the movies used may not be copyrighted hence you may download the App now before it falls foul with Google.   To download the App kindly visit Google Play now.

If you are interesting in watching and sharing HD Videos and films, download the Movie Tube HD for your Android devices visit Google Play here.

Clear your junk files, cache memory, free up RAM with this FREE App : Clean Master for Android smart phones and tablets

Clear your junk files, cache memory, free up RAM with this FREE App : Clean Master for Android smart phones and tablets

The more we use the phone the more junk we create.  Not only are the web pages saved in the cache memory but Android also saves the latest App support pages you just opened or the Game you just played.  There are also untold junk files which reside in your Android smart phone and tablet.  Did you know that every time you use WhatsApp, a file is created in the system. Same with many other Apps. These files are log files and are pretty much useless .Rooting the phone clears these files but can you do it without rooting. 

Yes you can with the newly launched Clean Master for Android smart phones and tablets.  This Free App not only clears all your junk files but cleans your cache as and when you require it.  

1. [Junk Files] - Clean Cache and Residual Files
This will help you clear cache and residuals files easily. On Android devices, cache and residual files will accumulate to take up hundreds of megabytes and in some cases even gigabytes of space. Cleaning junk files can help free up space on phone and sd card.

2. [Privacy] - Delete History
Privacy is important and many of your apps silently record your personal data like your SMS, web browser data, Google search history etc. Clean Master can perform message deletion and also can erase browser history data, search history and private data of many other apps like Wechat, Whatsapp, Spotify, Pinterest, Line etc.

3. [Task Killer] - Advanced Task Manager
Tasks running in background not only occupy system RAM, but also waste your battery life. Task Killer can stop other apps that are running in the background and free up more RAM to speed up your android device. This includes a shortcut called "1 Tap Boost" which can be more convenient.

4. [App Manager] - Uninstaller, Backup, Move to SD 
This is an uninstaller that is an improvement over the Android system version and it can extract apk backup files of your apps as well. Some rooted users will also be able to move apps to SD card as well as uninstall preinstalled/system apps.

5. [Widget] - Memory Booster Widget
Now a memory booster widget comes along with 3.5.0 version and above. Touch the desktop with a long hold until a window appears, from this window scroll down to Clean Master Widget and touch.

Additionally Clean Master supports 27 languages and should be very easy to use.  This all in one App has been updated today and now comes with following added advantages :

1.Renamed "Cache" and "Residual" into "Standard" and "Advanced".
2.Improved our algorithm that calculates data size.
3.New message system to alert users about residual files from uninstalled bloatware. (rooted users only)
4.Supported cleaning more junk files.. 

To download the App head over to Google Play here.

LG Vu 3 to have 5.2 inch display, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean and give a 1290 x 960 pixel resolution

LG Vu 3 to have 5.2 inch display, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean and give a 1290 x 960 pixel resolution

LG today unveiled its latest phone in Vu series called LG Vu 3. The LG Vu 3 has a bigger screen then its older sibling the LG Optimus Vu 2.  The LG Vu 3 will have a nice big 5.2 which will give a 1280 x 960 pixels resolution and have a 4 : 3 aspect ratio.  The Vu 3 will run on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean and pack a 2.26GHz quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor.  Vu 3 will be a 4G LTE phone and will have a 13MP rear camera with auto focus and LED Flash.  The front camera will be a 2.1MP affair.

It will be 0.2 inches larger then the LG Optimus Vu 2 as per LG spokesperson and will also come with a Rubberdium stylus that's as thick and as sturdy as a real pen.

The phone is slated to go on sale in Korea on September 27 and should reach other parts of the world by October 2013.

Why is Google Play allowing fake BlackBerry Messengers (BBM) on its website

Why is Google Play allowing fake BlackBerry Messengers (BBM) on its website

This is a situation which will piss any Android user off.  The Google Play as of now has at least 10 Fake BBM Apps floating around and only after downloads do the users find out it is a fake.

One such fake BBM publisher is Free BBM Apps Home.  Another one is BlackBerry LLC.  These publishers are fooling around with people and Google Play is letting them do it.  Many fakes when opened download games and give ads.  There might even be a malicious code installed in the Apps.

Original BBM has been delayed and both links posted by me are giving no results.  BlackBerry has tweeted that there are problems which arose because of active downloads overload.
Meanwhile this seems to be what the #BBM4All staff is doing 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Focal now available as standalone App for Android smart phones and tablets

Focal now available as standalone App for Android smart phones and tablets

Remember the stock camera App called Focal developed by the XDA forums for CyanogenMod 10.2 Nightlies.  Now the XDA Forum member TeamBBQ has published the standalone App called Focal (Beta) for Android smart phones and tablets.

As usual, being a beta App, it may contain bugs and may crash. The TeamBBQ has also said that this App is mostly for Android 4.2 based smart phones but should work on tablets as well.  

Focal as standalone App has many key features  which will make your camera experience with Android smart phones worthwhile. The most notable of these changes include an open source replacement for Google’s closed source Photo Sphere, an improved post-shot image review paradigm, spot metering, double-tap to quick capture, and various additional image capture modes. Additionally, device-specific features are available for certain handsets. For example, you can adjust shutter speed on certain Sony devices.

The features of the Focal Beta are :

- A photo and video mode, supporting many features (burst mode, timer mode, scene mode, shutter speed on Sony devices, ...)
- A panorama mode, currently semi-broken
- A PicSphere mode, open-source replacement of Google's PhotoSphere, to do 360° sphere shots
- A review drawer, by sliding from the top of the screen (in portrait). It shows your latest pictures.

In photo mode, you also have access to a few tools, such as automatic picture enhancement (auto-awesome), or a rule of thirds overlay. On some devices, settings such as Color adjustment, HDR and a manual light measure point are also available. Double tapping the screen will put your in quick shot mode, where tapping the screen anywhere will take a picture.  In video mode, high-framerate video is also possible.

Worthwhile tips to remember:
- You can slide a widget's left handle to the right to close it
- You can swipe twice to temporarily hide open widgets, and swipe back to recover them
- You can pin widgets on your main screen
- You can scroll the sidebar

To download the App, visit Google Play here.  You can also download the APK file directly from the mirror site at Github.