Si tienes Apache instalado en Windows y te encuentras con este error en el error.log:
[warn] (OS 996)El evento superpuesto de E/S no es un estado señalado. : winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed.
Tambien puede tener problemas cargando paginas, por ejemplo Firefox muestra este error, no siempre lo muestra pero cada cierto tiempo (a mi me paso)
La conexión al servidor fue reiniciada mientras la página se cargaba
Existe una solucion provisional ya que todavia no se sabe la verdadera causa del error
Quizas sea el firewall o antivirus asi que chequea eso primero El problema mas relacionado con este error es el DHCP, problemas con las IPs dinamicas
Segun en la documantacion de Apache, AcceptEx() es una API de Microsoft WinSock v2 que provee en ciertas circuntancias buenos resultados por encima de la API de BSD accept(). Algunos programas para Windows, como antitirus o firewall, tienen bugs que interfieren con la operacion de AcceptEx()
Esta solucion es para evitar el uso de AcceptEx() usando la directiva Win32DisableAcceptEx. Esta opcion esta disponible a partir de la version 2.0.49 de Apache
Edita el archivo httpd.conf
Busca esta linea en el archivo: EnableMMAP
Veras que esta comentada
EnableMMAP off EnableSendfile off
Luego reinicia Apache
NOTA: si tienes problemas despues de haber habilitado la opcion Win32DisableAcceptEx, intenta dejandolo sin Win32DisableAcceptEx:
10 Quick Fixes to Make your Windows Computer Faster
Your computer running Windows isn’t running in the same speed that it used to run when you first used it. It’s slower, crappy, takes a while to start and tests your patience like anything. There are many reasons for this. It happened to me, and I’ve found a number of easy ways to make my computer faster. There are a number of symptoms that can lead to a slow computer, and there are related causes. It’s important to understand what’s causing the symptom before you can make your computer faster. Whether it’s taking ages for your start menu to load, your right-click menu isn’t working or your programs just stop responding, there is almost always a cause. So, Let’s try fixing up a few things on your slow Windows PC to make it run faster than it ever has before.:
Slow Start Up
There can be a variety of reasons to Windows loading slow during start up. Go to Run, type msconfig and hit enter. Under the ‘Start Up’ tab, uncheck the unwanted programs and press OK. Things should be a bit fine the next time Windows boots. Another program worth mentioning here is StartUp Delayer which will help in setting after how much time programs should be loaded after Windows boots. For instance, you could set your instant messenger program to load 50 seconds after Windows starts up.
Slow Loading Start Menu
If the Start Menu items are loading slowly, you can open the Registry Editor by typing in the Run menu ‘regedit.exe’ and pressing Enter. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop. Look for MenuShowDelay, and double click to edit the value. The lower the number specified, the faster the Start Menu will load.
Slow Right Click Context Menu
Probably the Windows Right Click menu on your computer is loading slow because too many programs added unwanted entries there. Just use any number of the free right-click tools available to modify your context menu to remove unwanted items and speed it up. Slow Send To Menu If the Send To menu loads slowly, you can type ‘sendto’ in the Run Dialog, and remove unwanted items in the Explorer Window that appears. This should add some speed to it.
Slow Defragmentation
The Windows Defragmenter can’t get any slower. You need to have an alternative to the WindowsDefragmenter, and Defraggler is just one of the best ones available in the market. It’s free, and works like a charm and can speed up defragmentation manifold. For some alternatives, see Five Free Programs to Defragment your PC.
Slow loading My Computer Window
If the My Computer Window loads slowly, in the Explorer Window, go to Tools >> Folder Options >> View and uncheck ‘Automatically search for network folders and printers”
Slow loading Add or Remove Programs Applet
This is one of the most annoying piece of programs present in Windows, it takes ages to load if you have a considerable number of programs installed on your computer. You can either use the all-in-one CCleaner for this purpose, or get MyUninstaller that comes as a speedy replacement for Add or Remove Programs.
Slow Ending of Unresponsive Programs
If you’ve clicked on ‘End Task’ if any program is running unresponsive, you might have noticed that the program is not terminated immediately. You can alter this by going to Run >> regedit.exe >> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl and change this value to 1000.
Disable Animations and Appearance Overhauls to maximize performance
If you’re a serious performance junkie, you probably won’t bother about eyecandy. Go to System Properties in the Control Panel. Click ‘Advanced’, then ‘Performance’ and click ‘Adjust for best performance’. This might boost your PC’s performance up a bit.
Additional Tips: To make my computer faster and so that it had less problems, I follow the following tips. - Always keep your computer clean. Remove Junk and Unnecessary registry entries. Use CCleaner for this purpose, one excellent tool that just does what it says. - Don’t keep installing software. Install a program only if it really serves you a purpose. - Keep as few programs as possible running on the System Tray. This essentially means reducing the number of programs that start during Windows start up.
his article will tell you valuable information about writing a custom computer programming language. I will be discussing a administer of basic things you should know. If you are interested in writing your own language, you should understand what exactly one is, if you are uncertain at the moment. A programming language is mostly a set of instructions that command a computer and tell it what to do. They are applied to every division of computer there are. Creating your own custom one can be very overwhelming if you are uncertain of where to start.
The absolute majority of languages that you see today have been heavily influenced on ones that currently exist. Modifying unitary that already are in use could fixing problems or add new features. There are many popular languages in use today, such as Java, C++, PHP, and Ruby. There are also ebooks that talk about the steps you should take when you want to beginning writing another one. You should surf the Internet and find some of these resources to get some more information on what to do.
The creation of a custom computer programing languages can cost very beneficial inwards an variety of ways. Firstly, you made it, so you have complete power over everything in it. This is good because it can be easily changed to help with specific projects you may want it for. Secondly, other people who are trying to learn how to program can be helped by yours. Different languages can be difficult to learn and they might be easier to understand if they begin by learning yours. Thirdly, creating a programming language will give you a better understanding of how computers work and how they work. This can help you a lot and could be very useful in future problems.
I have a feeling by now that you want to get started creating your own custom programming language. It might be hard every once and a while to try and figure things out. That is why I think it would be a great idea for you to try and find other resources as well that could be of some help to you. This is how I learned the majority of what I know about programming and writing programming languages.
Now that you know what is required to write your own language. You is at the ready to break and look for some resources and get creating. Try to make a language that is creative and that helps you. Your own custom language will help you in problems that are specific to what you are doing. it will be way easier to do many of the tasks required by using a language you wrote. For more information about creating your own programming language, visit our website Create a Programming Language