Sunday, 17 February 2013

windows 7 error codes

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Despite Windows operating system has been one of the most user friendly OS available in the market, but when it comes to dealing with errors, especially Blue Screen of Death or Black Screen of Death (BSoD), which existed since Windows 9x era, have many users have found that often, there is only a cryptic set of random alpha numeric codes been shown or displayed, with no explanation or further information.

Microsoft has information and description on the error codes which users may encounter in Windows NT operating system when the computer operates incorrectly, performs illegal operating or has normal operation failure. Although means for Windows NT, the list is mostly still in used, if not identical from Windows 95 through Windows 7, although in newer versions, more error codes can be expected, in more sophisticated terms.
-80xFFF8LZERROR_UNKNOWNALGCompression algorithm not recognized.
-70xFFF9LZERROR_BADVALUEInput parameter out of acceptable range.
-60xFFFALZERROR_GLOBLOCKBad global handle.
-50xFFFBLZERROR_GLOBALLOCInsufficient memory for LZFile structure.
-40xFFFCLZERROR_WRITEOut of space for output file.
-30xFFFDLZERROR_READCorrupt compressed file format.
-20xFFFELZERROR_BADOUTHANDLEInvalid output handle.
-10xFFFFLZERROR_BADINHANDLEInvalid input handle.
0L0×0000NO_ERRORNo error.
0L0×0000ERROR_SUCCESSThe operation was successfully completed.
1L0×0001ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTIONThe function is incorrect.
2L0×0002ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe system cannot find the file specified.
3L0×0003ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUNDThe system cannot find the specified path.
4L0×0004ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILESThe system cannot open the file.
5L0×0005ERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDAccess is denied.
6L0×0006ERROR_INVALID_HANDLEThe internal file identifier is incorrect.
7L0×0007ERROR_ARENA_TRASHEDThe storage control blocks were destroyed.
8L0×0008ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORYNot enough storage is available to process this command.
9L0×0009ERROR_INVALID_BLOCKThe storage control block address is invalid.
10L0x000AERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENTThe environment is incorrect.
11L0x000BERROR_BAD_FORMATAn attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
12L0x000CERROR_INVALID_ACCESSThe access code is invalid.
13L0x000DERROR_INVALID_DATAThe data is invalid.
14L0x000EERROR_OUTOFMEMORYNot enough storage is available to complete this operation.
15L0x000FERROR_INVALID_DRIVEThe system cannot find the specified drive.
16L0×0010ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORYThe directory cannot be removed.
17L0×0011ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICEThe system cannot move the file to a different disk drive.
18L0×0012ERROR_NO_MORE_FILESThere are no more files.
19L0×0013ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTThe media is write protected.
20L0×0014ERROR_BAD_UNITThe system cannot find the specified device.
21L0×0015ERROR_NOT_READYThe drive is not ready.
22L0×0016ERROR_BAD_COMMANDThe device does not recognize the command.
23L0×0017ERROR_CRCData error (cyclic redundancy check).
24L0×0018ERROR_BAD_LENGTHThe program issued a command but the command length is incorrect.
25L0×0019ERROR_SEEKThe drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk.
26L0x001AERROR_NOT_DOS_DISKThe specified disk cannot be accessed.
27L0x001BERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUNDThe drive cannot find the requested sector.
28L0x001CERROR_OUT_OF_PAPERThe printer is out of paper.
29L0x001DERROR_WRITE_FAULTThe system cannot write to the specified device.
30L0x001EERROR_READ_FAULTThe system cannot read from the specified device.
31L0x001FERROR_GEN_FAILUREA device attached to the system is not functioning.
32L0×0020ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATIONThe process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
33L0×0021ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATIONThe process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
34L0×0022ERROR_WRONG_DISKThe wrong disk is in the drive. Insert %2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) into drive %1.
36L0×0023ERROR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDEDToo many files opened for sharing.
38L0×0024ERROR_HANDLE_EOFReached End Of File.
39L0×0025ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULLThe disk is full.
50L0×0032ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe network request is not supported.
51L0×0033ERROR_REM_NOT_LISTThe remote computer is not available.
52L0×0034ERROR_DUP_NAMEA duplicate name exists on the network.
53L0×0035ERROR_BAD_NETPATHThe network path was not found.
54L0×0036ERROR_NETWORK_BUSYThe network is busy.
55L0×0037ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXISTThe specified network resource is no longer available.
56L0×0038ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDSThe network BIOS command limit has been reached.
57L0×0039ERROR_ADAP_HDW_ERRA network adapter hardware error occurred.
58L0x003AERROR_BAD_NET_RESPThe specified server cannot perform the requested operation.
59L0x003BERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERRAn unexpected network error occurred.
60L0x003CERROR_BAD_REM_ADAPThe remote adapter is not compatible.
61L0x003DERROR_PRINTQ_FULLThe printer queue is full.
62L0x003EERROR_NO_SPOOL_SPACESpace to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server.
63L0x003FERROR_PRINT_CANCELLEDFile waiting to be printed was deleted.
64L0×0040ERROR_NETNAME_DELETEDThe specified network name is no longer available.
65L0×0041ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIEDNetwork access is denied.
66L0×0042ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPEThe network resource type is incorrect.
67L0×0043ERROR_BAD_NET_NAMEThe network name cannot be found.
68L0×0044ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMESThe name limit for the local computer network adapter card exceeded.
69L0×0045ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESSThe network BIOS session limit exceeded.
70L0×0046ERROR_SHARING_PAUSEDThe remote server is paused or is in the process of being started.
71L0×0047ERROR_REQ_NOT_ACCEPThe network request was not accepted.
72L0×0048ERROR_REDIR_PAUSEDThe specified printer or disk device has been paused.
80L0×0050ERROR_FILE_EXISTSThe file exists.
82L0×0052ERROR_CANNOT_MAKEThe directory or file cannot be created.
83L0×0053ERROR_FAIL_I24Fail on INT 24.
84L0×0054ERROR_OUT_OF_STRUCTURESStorage to process this request is not available.
85L0×0055ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNEDThe local device name is already in use.
86L0×0056ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORDThe specified network password is incorrect.
87L0×0057ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERThe parameter is incorrect.
88L0×0058ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULTA write fault occurred on the network.
89L0×0059ERROR_NO_PROC_SLOTSThe system cannot start another process at this time.
100L0×0064ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEMAPHORESCannot create another system semaphore.
101L0×0065ERROR_EXCL_SEM_ALREADY_OWNEDThe exclusive semaphore is owned by another process.
102L0×0066ERROR_SEM_IS_SETThe semaphore is set and cannot be closed.
103L0×0067ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEM_REQUESTSThe semaphore cannot be set again.
104L0×0068ERROR_INVALID_AT_INTERRUPT_TIMECannot request exclusive semaphores at interrupt time.
105L0×0069ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIEDThe previous ownership of this semaphore has ended.
106L0x006AERROR_SEM_USER_LIMITInsert the disk for drive 1.
107L0x006BERROR_DISK_CHANGEProgram stopped because alternate disk was not inserted.
108L0x006CERROR_DRIVE_LOCKEDThe disk is in use or locked by another process.
109L0x006DERROR_BROKEN_PIPEThe pipe was ended.
110L0x006EERROR_OPEN_FAILEDThe system cannot open the specified device or file.
111L0x006FERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOWThe file name is too long.
112L0×0070ERROR_DISK_FULLThere is not enough space on the disk.
113L0×0071ERROR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLESNo more internal file identifiers available.
114L0×0072ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLEThe target internal file identifier is incorrect.
117L0×0075ERROR_INVALID_CATEGORYThe IOCTL call made by the application program is incorrect.
118L0×0076ERROR_INVALID_VERIFY_SWITCHThe verify-on-write switch parameter value is incorrect.
119L0×0077ERROR_BAD_DRIVER_LEVELThe system does not support the requested command.
120L0×0078ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe Application Program Interface (API) entered will only work in Windows/NT mode.

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