Thursday, 28 February 2013

how modify hosts file in windows 7

Modifier le fichier hosts original de Windows 7 pour bloquer les serveurs de validation distants
modifier fichier host windows 7  
modifier fichier host windows
how modify hosts file in windows 7 
how to edit hosts file in windows 7

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

network basics cisco ccna 1

Welcome to the CCNA 1 version 3.1 Instructor Guide. This guide is designed to make teaching
the CCNA 1 course a little easier. As an introduction to this guide, four themes will be

Student-centered, instructor-facilitated
The CCNA curriculum has not been designed as a stand-alone e-learning or a distance-
learning course. The Cisco Networking Academy Program is based on instructor facilitation.
The diagram "Learner Model: Academy Student" summarizes the emphasis that Cisco
Worldwide Education (WWE) puts on the student. The instructor utilizes activities, built from a
variety of resources, to help the students achieve desired understandings of networking.

                                            download course complete

Monday, 25 February 2013

how to clean windows

setap 1 select analyse


Setap 2 select nettoyer


setap 3 fine nettoyage


setap 4 repair registry


Thursday, 21 February 2013

bios update windows 7

Your computer's BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is the first software your PC loads. It sets the stage for your operating system, so to speak, by finding all your PC's various hardware components and letting the operating system know it can use them.

As with any software, your computer or motherboard manufacturer periodically updates the BIOS to fix bugs, add compatibility with new devices, improve caching functions, and make several other hardware tweaks that can speed up your boot time and fix annoying issues. These updates are available at the manufacturer's site. But if you make a mistake in the update process, you risk rendering your PC unbootable. Here's how to make sure your BIOS update goes without a hitch.

Step 1: Identify your current BIOS version.

Check your BIOS version, without restarting your PC, by using msinfo32.exe (as described in the text).
The easiest way to find your BIOS version is to open up the System Information app in Windows--just type msinfo32 into the search bar (for Windows 7/Vista) or the Run box (XP), and click System Summary; your BIOS version should now show up on the right under your processor speed. Record your version number (and the date that appears afterwards, if applicable).

Step 2: Check your PC/motherboard manufacturer's Website for BIOS updates.

Most PC manufacturers handle BIOS updates based on your specific line and model, so head over to your manufacturer's support page and check its listings for your PC, because if you download and install a BIOS intended for a different model, your PC probably won't work (although most BIOS updaters are smart enough to notice if you try to install them on the wrong hardware). If there is a BIOS update file available, grab it--along with any documentation it comes with, because often warnings and specific instructions are contained in the Read Me docs.

Those of you who assembled your PC yourself will need to look for BIOS updates from your motherboard manufacturer's Website. If you don't remember your motherboard's model number, you can look it up without opening up the case by downloading and running CPU-Z and clicking on the Mainboard tab.

Step 3: Read the included documentation.

Your PC's BIOS handles a lot of the nuts and bolts.
The BIOS updater's Read Me file will most likely include a list of fixes and new functions, often to support new hardware. Updating the BIOS for my Lenovo Thinkpad T500, for example, added support for a new AC adapter and a 1600-by-900-pixel screen resolution on an external monitor; the update also fixed fan speed and Webcam issues that could not have been handled by updating Windows or my specific device driver software.

More important, however, were these notes in the Read Me file: If I was running Vista on my T500, I'd need to make sure that I had a certain patch installed; and if my T500 had a certain graphics card, I would need to update its drivers above a certain version before updating my BIOS. Read and reread your docs, or you might make your PC unable to boot without even knowing why.

Step 4: Update your BIOS.

Most newer PCs have a fairly easy BIOS update procedure: Just download the .exe file from your PC manufacturer's Website, quit all open programs, run the .exe, and let it handle the patch; then reboot. If your PC suddenly shuts down in the middle of the BIOS update, you won't be able to boot up, so make sure you're not running off a laptop battery. Ideally, you're plugged into an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), especially if you're in an area prone to blackouts.

Older PCs, however, might require you to set up your own bootable disk to update the BIOS yourself. You might still be able to download an app that configures a USB thumb drive, blank CD/DVD, or even a floppy disk so that you can boot off of it to update the BIOS, or an ISO image file that can be used in your disc-burning app of choice (if you don't have such an app, try ISO Recorder for Windows XP or the version for Windows 7/Vista) to create a BIOS update CD.

Other systems will have you copy a few files to your bootable disk, restart, and open up the BIOS during startup (typically by pressing a specified key for setup options), and change the boot order so your system looks for a bootable USB drive or CD before loading the OS from your hard drive.


Sunday, 17 February 2013

How to set the path and environment variables in Windows

Windows Vista and Windows 7 users
  1. From the Desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties.
  2. Click Advanced System Settings link in the left column.
  3. In the System Properties window click the Environment Variables button.
Windows enviromental path settings
Windows 2000 and Windows XP users
The path is now managed by Windows 2000 and Windows XP and not the autoexec.bat or autoexec.nt files as was done with earlier versions of Windows. To change the system environment variables, follow the below steps.
  1. From the Desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties.
  2. In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab.
  3. In the Advanced section, click the Environment Variables button.
  4. Finally, in the Environment Variables window (as shown below), highlight the Path variable in the Systems Variable section and click the Edit button. Add or modify the path lines with the paths you wish the computer to access. Each different directory is separated with a semicolon as shown below.

    C:\Program Files;C:\Winnt;C:\Winnt\System32
Windows enviromental path settings 
key : windows 7 pro,windows 7 software windows 7 home

windows 7 error codes

 Source: 1
Despite Windows operating system has been one of the most user friendly OS available in the market, but when it comes to dealing with errors, especially Blue Screen of Death or Black Screen of Death (BSoD), which existed since Windows 9x era, have many users have found that often, there is only a cryptic set of random alpha numeric codes been shown or displayed, with no explanation or further information.

Microsoft has information and description on the error codes which users may encounter in Windows NT operating system when the computer operates incorrectly, performs illegal operating or has normal operation failure. Although means for Windows NT, the list is mostly still in used, if not identical from Windows 95 through Windows 7, although in newer versions, more error codes can be expected, in more sophisticated terms.
-80xFFF8LZERROR_UNKNOWNALGCompression algorithm not recognized.
-70xFFF9LZERROR_BADVALUEInput parameter out of acceptable range.
-60xFFFALZERROR_GLOBLOCKBad global handle.
-50xFFFBLZERROR_GLOBALLOCInsufficient memory for LZFile structure.
-40xFFFCLZERROR_WRITEOut of space for output file.
-30xFFFDLZERROR_READCorrupt compressed file format.
-20xFFFELZERROR_BADOUTHANDLEInvalid output handle.
-10xFFFFLZERROR_BADINHANDLEInvalid input handle.
0L0×0000NO_ERRORNo error.
0L0×0000ERROR_SUCCESSThe operation was successfully completed.
1L0×0001ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTIONThe function is incorrect.
2L0×0002ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe system cannot find the file specified.
3L0×0003ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUNDThe system cannot find the specified path.
4L0×0004ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILESThe system cannot open the file.
5L0×0005ERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDAccess is denied.
6L0×0006ERROR_INVALID_HANDLEThe internal file identifier is incorrect.
7L0×0007ERROR_ARENA_TRASHEDThe storage control blocks were destroyed.
8L0×0008ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORYNot enough storage is available to process this command.
9L0×0009ERROR_INVALID_BLOCKThe storage control block address is invalid.
10L0x000AERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENTThe environment is incorrect.
11L0x000BERROR_BAD_FORMATAn attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
12L0x000CERROR_INVALID_ACCESSThe access code is invalid.
13L0x000DERROR_INVALID_DATAThe data is invalid.
14L0x000EERROR_OUTOFMEMORYNot enough storage is available to complete this operation.
15L0x000FERROR_INVALID_DRIVEThe system cannot find the specified drive.
16L0×0010ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORYThe directory cannot be removed.
17L0×0011ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICEThe system cannot move the file to a different disk drive.
18L0×0012ERROR_NO_MORE_FILESThere are no more files.
19L0×0013ERROR_WRITE_PROTECTThe media is write protected.
20L0×0014ERROR_BAD_UNITThe system cannot find the specified device.
21L0×0015ERROR_NOT_READYThe drive is not ready.
22L0×0016ERROR_BAD_COMMANDThe device does not recognize the command.
23L0×0017ERROR_CRCData error (cyclic redundancy check).
24L0×0018ERROR_BAD_LENGTHThe program issued a command but the command length is incorrect.
25L0×0019ERROR_SEEKThe drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk.
26L0x001AERROR_NOT_DOS_DISKThe specified disk cannot be accessed.
27L0x001BERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUNDThe drive cannot find the requested sector.
28L0x001CERROR_OUT_OF_PAPERThe printer is out of paper.
29L0x001DERROR_WRITE_FAULTThe system cannot write to the specified device.
30L0x001EERROR_READ_FAULTThe system cannot read from the specified device.
31L0x001FERROR_GEN_FAILUREA device attached to the system is not functioning.
32L0×0020ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATIONThe process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
33L0×0021ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATIONThe process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
34L0×0022ERROR_WRONG_DISKThe wrong disk is in the drive. Insert %2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) into drive %1.
36L0×0023ERROR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDEDToo many files opened for sharing.
38L0×0024ERROR_HANDLE_EOFReached End Of File.
39L0×0025ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULLThe disk is full.
50L0×0032ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe network request is not supported.
51L0×0033ERROR_REM_NOT_LISTThe remote computer is not available.
52L0×0034ERROR_DUP_NAMEA duplicate name exists on the network.
53L0×0035ERROR_BAD_NETPATHThe network path was not found.
54L0×0036ERROR_NETWORK_BUSYThe network is busy.
55L0×0037ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXISTThe specified network resource is no longer available.
56L0×0038ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDSThe network BIOS command limit has been reached.
57L0×0039ERROR_ADAP_HDW_ERRA network adapter hardware error occurred.
58L0x003AERROR_BAD_NET_RESPThe specified server cannot perform the requested operation.
59L0x003BERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERRAn unexpected network error occurred.
60L0x003CERROR_BAD_REM_ADAPThe remote adapter is not compatible.
61L0x003DERROR_PRINTQ_FULLThe printer queue is full.
62L0x003EERROR_NO_SPOOL_SPACESpace to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server.
63L0x003FERROR_PRINT_CANCELLEDFile waiting to be printed was deleted.
64L0×0040ERROR_NETNAME_DELETEDThe specified network name is no longer available.
65L0×0041ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIEDNetwork access is denied.
66L0×0042ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPEThe network resource type is incorrect.
67L0×0043ERROR_BAD_NET_NAMEThe network name cannot be found.
68L0×0044ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMESThe name limit for the local computer network adapter card exceeded.
69L0×0045ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESSThe network BIOS session limit exceeded.
70L0×0046ERROR_SHARING_PAUSEDThe remote server is paused or is in the process of being started.
71L0×0047ERROR_REQ_NOT_ACCEPThe network request was not accepted.
72L0×0048ERROR_REDIR_PAUSEDThe specified printer or disk device has been paused.
80L0×0050ERROR_FILE_EXISTSThe file exists.
82L0×0052ERROR_CANNOT_MAKEThe directory or file cannot be created.
83L0×0053ERROR_FAIL_I24Fail on INT 24.
84L0×0054ERROR_OUT_OF_STRUCTURESStorage to process this request is not available.
85L0×0055ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNEDThe local device name is already in use.
86L0×0056ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORDThe specified network password is incorrect.
87L0×0057ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERThe parameter is incorrect.
88L0×0058ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULTA write fault occurred on the network.
89L0×0059ERROR_NO_PROC_SLOTSThe system cannot start another process at this time.
100L0×0064ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEMAPHORESCannot create another system semaphore.
101L0×0065ERROR_EXCL_SEM_ALREADY_OWNEDThe exclusive semaphore is owned by another process.
102L0×0066ERROR_SEM_IS_SETThe semaphore is set and cannot be closed.
103L0×0067ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEM_REQUESTSThe semaphore cannot be set again.
104L0×0068ERROR_INVALID_AT_INTERRUPT_TIMECannot request exclusive semaphores at interrupt time.
105L0×0069ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIEDThe previous ownership of this semaphore has ended.
106L0x006AERROR_SEM_USER_LIMITInsert the disk for drive 1.
107L0x006BERROR_DISK_CHANGEProgram stopped because alternate disk was not inserted.
108L0x006CERROR_DRIVE_LOCKEDThe disk is in use or locked by another process.
109L0x006DERROR_BROKEN_PIPEThe pipe was ended.
110L0x006EERROR_OPEN_FAILEDThe system cannot open the specified device or file.
111L0x006FERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOWThe file name is too long.
112L0×0070ERROR_DISK_FULLThere is not enough space on the disk.
113L0×0071ERROR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLESNo more internal file identifiers available.
114L0×0072ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLEThe target internal file identifier is incorrect.
117L0×0075ERROR_INVALID_CATEGORYThe IOCTL call made by the application program is incorrect.
118L0×0076ERROR_INVALID_VERIFY_SWITCHThe verify-on-write switch parameter value is incorrect.
119L0×0077ERROR_BAD_DRIVER_LEVELThe system does not support the requested command.
120L0×0078ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDThe Application Program Interface (API) entered will only work in Windows/NT mode.

Delete your cache and other browser data


You have control over your browsing data. This data includes things like your browsing and download history and saved form data. Use the "Clear browsing data" dialog to delete all your data or just a portion of your data, collected during a specific period of time.

Delete all your data

  1. Click the Chrome menu Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
  2. Select Tools.
  3. Select Clear browsing data.
  4. In the dialog that appears, select the checkboxes for the types of information that you want to remove.
  5. Use the menu at the top to select the amount of data that you want to delete. Select beginning of time to delete everything.
  6. Click Clear browsing data.

Delete specific items from your browsing data

Instead of deleting entire categories of your browsing data, you can pick specific items to delete. Click these links to see more instructions.

Friday, 15 February 2013

NTLDR is missing-Windows 7 Fix

NTLDR is missing-Windows 7 Fix

Windows 7 Logo - Green
“NTLDR is missing” is a notorious error message that usually bugs the Windows XP users, but it can also occur in Windows 7 even though it is an old Windows 2000/XP loader.  Windows 7 utilizes BOOTMGR instead of NTLDR, but there are  variety of reasons where users get “NTLDR is missing” error message in Windows 7.  It happens if you have an improper dual boot setup or due to improper Windows XP to Windows 7 upgrade, among several other reasons.  If you are having same issue with Windows XP, then try this tutorial: NTLDR Windows XP Fix.  This tutorial will highlight some effective ways to fix NTLDR is missing issue:

How to fix “NTLDR is missing” in windows 7:

Method#1: System Repair
  • Insert the Windows 7 setup or System Repair CD into the CD/DVD drive and then restart your PC.
  • Now boot into your Windows 7 setup CD/DVD.  If you have a Dell PC, then press F12, or F9 for HP, to access the boot menu.  It usually tells you what you need to press to access the boot menu during boot up.  If you are not sure, check your vendor’s documentation.  Select boot into CD/DVD.
  • Now press any key to boot from Windows 7 CD when prompted.
NOTE: Make sure you press ANY key sooner as it only will boot into hard drive if you didn’t press any key with around 10 seconds.
NTLDR is missing Windows 7 Fix
  •  Windows 7 installer will then pop up asking for language, format and input method.  Make appropriate selections and then click on Next to continue.
NTLDR is missing Windows 7 Fix
  • Now click on Repair your computer.
NTLDR is missing Windows 7 Fix
  •  It will then detect and list all installed operating systems.  Choose appropriate OS from the list and click on Next.
NOTE: If you notice the list is blank then don’t panic; it is normal.  Click on Next either way.
NTLDR is missing Windows 7 Fix
  • From the System Recovery Options, choose Startup Repair. Let it do its thing and acknowledge any notifications it might display.
NTLDR is missing Windows 7 FixAfter repair, it will restart your computer and should fix the issue.  If you still see the “NTLDR is missing” message, then try method #2.
Method#2: Bootrec and Check Disk (chkdsk)
Follow steps 1-5 from the method #1.
6.  This time instead of startup repair choose Command Prompt.
NTLDR is missing Windows 7 Fix7.  Now at the command prompt, type in the following commands, and press Enter.
bootrec /FixMbr
Bootrec /FixBoot
Bootrec /RebuildBcd
chkdsk drive: /f
chkdsk drive: /r
Note: Replace drive with the proper drive letter where your Windows 7 operating system resides.
You can also try other useful chkdsk commands and Recovery Console commands.  You can also check addition info from Microsoft support forum.
If problem persists, let me know in the comment section below.
source :
mot :how to fix computer,repair ntldr,what is ntldr

linux and windows 7 dual boot

Dual Boot Your Pre-Installed Windows 7 Computer with Ubuntu

You have a new computer that came with Windows 7 pre-installed on it, and you want to create a dual boot system so you can run Ubuntu Linux as well. Here we take you through the process to install Ubuntu on your pre-installed Windows 7 machine.
For this demonstration we’re using Windows 7 Home Premium (32-bit) and Ubuntu 9.10 (32-bit)
Install Ubuntu
Here we will set up a basic dual boot system with the Ubuntu 9.10 disc that will create GRUB as your boot loader. On the Window 7 machine pop in the Ubuntu disc and boot from it.
If you experience a problem with the graphics with Ubuntu not displaying correctly, go back to the start screen, hit F4 and select Safe graphics mode.

Continue through the installation steps by selecting your language, time zone, and keyboard layout. When you get to the following screen (step 4 of 6), the easiest method for beginners is to select the first option– Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup. On the first bar you’ll see is the entire Windows 7 partition. Then on the second bar, you can slide it up or down to specify the amount of hard drive space you want for Ubuntu.

The green area represents the amount of space we’re leaving for Windows 7, and the brown is the space we’re allocating for Ubuntu.In this example we’re sliding it down to 10GB and leaving the rest for Windows.

Click continue to the verification dialog box.

In the next step create your user name, password, and configure log in options.

If everything looks good, go ahead and click Install. If you need to make any changes you can still go back and make them at this point.
The installation will start showing a progress bar and display new features in Ubuntu 9.10.

The amount of time it takes to install will vary from system to system, and once it’s complete, go ahead and restart the machine.

When the machine reboots you’ll see the GRUB loader where you can boot to Ubuntu or Windows 7.

One thing to point out in my experience with this method is when you first boot into Windows 7, Check Disk runs, then reboots and you need to choose the Windows 7 option again from the bootloader.

This should help get you started in enjoying a Windows 7 / Ubuntu Linux dual boot configuration. There are definitely other ways to get a Windows / Linux dual boot system, but if you want a quick method, so you can try out Ubuntu, this method works well.

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CardRecoveryPro is an easy-to-use card recovery software that recovers deleted/lost photos, music, video, and multimedia files from almost all digital card after instances like deletion, corruption, formatting.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

How to Create a Generic Windows XP Image

What this article is supposed to help you accomplish is to make a single image with the help of Sysprep, that can be deployed onto any PC regardless of it's hardware. This will save server space as each model will no longer need its own image file, and make updating images with new software or Windows Patched much easier.
In theory this is supposed to be done with Symantec Ghost; however I will do my best to keep it to a minimum so that hopefully Altiris RapidDeploy, Norton Ghost and other image programs will work with this. This is also intended for Windows XP, but very slight modifications can be done to make it work for Vista.
Also note that this is a guide, not a cookbook. What I am putting in here works for me and should be used for reference. At the end of this article I will post other links to web sites that I researched to figure out how to use Sysprep, so I suggest reading this and those web sites and create your own procedure based on the tools you have and your needs.

Step 1: Preparing Windows XP

The first thing you will need is a clean install or clean image of Windows. This is essentially a brand new copy of Windows installed on the computer.
Next you will need to configure Windows XP. What you need to do is remove any software that you don't want on every PC (such as the Games folder for example), install software every user will need (The updated Adobe Reader and Ghost Console Client for example), and change the Windows settings (turning off the firewall for example).
What you do not want to do is install software that only one department in your company will need. For example you do not want to install any Computer Aided Drafting programs drafters will use but no one else will.
Essentially what you want to do is get the PC ready so that when you install the image onto a new PC, it is ready to accept a user's specific software and settings and then go out the door. I figure most companies like mine will already have procedures on this and what they expect to be on a basic image.

Step 2: Collecting PnP Drivers

You're going to have a lot of files so I suggest you start organizing right away.
  1. First, create a folder called Sysprep in the OS drive (mostly C:)
  2. Inside the Sysprep folder create another folder called "Drivers"
Now you should have small file tree of C:\Sysprep\Drivers
The idea is to have all of the basic Sysprep files you will be using inside the Sysprep folder, and all of the Plug and Play (PnP) drivers sorted in the drivers folder.
Now you will need to start hunting down the drivers which is always tons of fun. I suggest going to the manufacturer's website and search for the drivers each model uses, but do not download them. Instead find out who makes what and get the model number.
Then I suggest going to each manufacturer and download the drivers from there directly. That way you are sure to have the most recent drivers available.
The drivers I suggest are:
  1. Network card
  2. Chip or BUS drivers
  3. Audio drivers
  4. Video drivers
  5. Mass storage drivers*
    *If your using GSS, you can use the DeployAnywhere tool to insert these drivers.
As you download these files, I suggest not putting them in the Sysprep directory, instead put them in a temp folder somewhere. The reason is that most drivers you download are in an .exe format and you will need to extract them.
To extract drivers from an .exe file you will need to run the file with the switch to extract them. Most of the time there is a help file that will tell you what it is. Sometimes running it with /? Will give you the options.
When you have the switch, there are two ways I like to run it. One is to use the command prompt and type it in manually. The other is to just make a Windows Shortcut of the .exe file, edit it to add the switches.
For example most of the Intel drivers require an /e switch to extract and /f to tell it where to extract.

As was pointed out to me, another way to extract the drivers from .exe files is to use WinZip or WinRAR. To see how to do this, please go here:
One you have all of the drivers needed for all of the models of computers you plan to use this on you should have a file tree that looks something like this:

Lastly, before you move on, I suggest cleaning up your folders some to remove any applications and drivers you will not need (DOS, Windows 98 drivers for example). However don't be too worried about the size of your Sysprep folder because after it runs for the first time it is deleted automatically.

Step 3: Preparing Sysprep

For Sysprep you will need to get the file from Microsoft. If you have Windows XP SP 3, you can go here:
If you have another version of Windows XP, you will need to get the correct file, so please use caution.
Now that you have the file, you will need to open it and extract all of the files to the c:\Sysprep folder we made earlier.
You will now need to run the setupmgr.exe application to create a Sysprep.ini file that will guide your computer threw setting up Windows. I will not tell you every step you will follow, I'll just go over the highlights.
Use the following steps to go threw Setupmgr.exe:
  1. Choose the Sysprep setup.
  2. Answer that you want to fully automate the installation
  3. Then start filling in the data that best suites your needs.
         A. Product Key: You will need to use one provided by Microsoft, if you type in an OEM key, your Windows will need to be reactivated 30 days after being reimaged. Please go to the following link for more information:
         B. Computer name: I suggest a random computer name and joining to a generic workgroup. Reason for this is so you can image more than one PC and you wont have any trouble with multiple names on the domain, and it will keep your Active Directory clean. You can use the configuration task in GSS or just manually change the PC name and join it to the domain when your setting it up for an end user.
So now you should have your Sysprep.ini file somewhere. Locate it and open it up, there is still some more to do.
You will need to put the following information in the Sysprep.ini file. In the following picture, you will have some of these lines, the ones you do not, you will need to add to your Sysprep.ini file.

This next picture is the Sysprep.ini file I use with some slight modifications.

If you have any further questions about Sysprep, I will have a bunch of links underneath. Please check those before asking about them here.

Step 4: Putting it all together

By this point you should have:
  1. A clean version of Windows with basic software and settings.
  2. All of the PnP drivers for every model of PC you plan to put this image onto.
  3. A Sysprep.ini file ready to go.
Now I suggest you go to the following web site:
For this guide you will need to download SPDrvScn. The reason for it is because we need to tell Windows to load all of our drivers into the registry otherwise Windows will not look there when it searched for PnP drivers. There is a way to type it into the SysPrep.ini file, but it holds very few drivers before it gets capped.
When you download it, put it in the C:\Sysprep folder. When you have it downloaded, run it once in Windows mode and have it scan. Make sure it scans all of the drivers you will need. If you drivers are in c:\Sysprep\Drivers you should be good to go. Next you will need to create a batch file:

Now you are almost ready to start. First thing is that after all of your hard work, I suggest you copy your C:\Sysprep folder and all of the drivers to a safe location, such as a network server. The reason for this is if you need to do this again, such as to run MS updates, you can skip steps 2 and 3. You would just re-image the PC, update it, copy the Sysprep folder to the PC and kick off the script.
At this time, if you are using a Boot Disk/CD/Flash drive to capture the image of the PC, now is the time to put it in.
At this time run the Sysprep.bat file. Your computer will reboot. This is when you must capture the image. When you are done capturing the image, go ahead a boot the PC normally and let it run. It will go into a mini-Windows setup as it scans for PnP drivers.
When it is complete, open the Device Manager and make sure you add any drivers Windows is missing to your saved Sysprep folder and create another image.


These are most of the places I went to learn how to do this. As I said before, this is not a cookbook. I would recommend going to these sites and teaching yourself how to use Sysprep, then you can tailor it to your needs.
The site to get SPDrvScn and learn how to use it any why:
Some Microsoft sites:
Some info on Sysprep for Vista:
Another Sysprep guide:
A guide on how to extract drivers useing WinZIP and WinRAR:

How Do Windows Tablets Differ From The First Generation Of Traditional Tablets?

Microsoft is well on its way to establishing a top position in the tablet market. Windows tablets have continuously evolved to meet the demands of consumers and business professionals on the go. Each new tablet release has incorporated newer technologies and features. This is particularly the case with the release of the new Windows 8 tablets. With all the technological advancements included in the newest tablets, they have evolved and now differ greatly from the first generation of traditional tablets.

Within the Windows tablet, there is an actual hard drive rather that the traditional flash drive that was found in earlier versions. These new and improved tablets have many more features than the first generation of traditional tablets such as USB slots that permit other devices to be connected to it as well as a memory card slot that effectively becomes portable storage for the tablet. Many now come equipped with an HDMI port that gives users the ability to directly connect to HDMI devices and screens. In the past tablets were more of a stand-alone device used for personal entertainment. Now they can be fully integrated in your arsenal of high tech gadgets and devices used to get work done.

The hardware that comes with these new and improved tablets provides many important benefits. The most notable is the capability to run full desktop applications, again making these devices full work horses instead of one trick ponies. Since they support and run full programs, you now have the capability to transfer files from your computer to the tablet. You have all of the editing and viewing capabilities of your home computer on your portable and convenient tablet. In addition, unlike earlier version tablets, the Windows tablets can play HD videos, which mean superior multimedia capabilities. All these features mean that you can really impress the crowd during your next meeting by instantly recalling documents, graphs or videos and sharing them with fellow workers or clients.

You can do much more with the current Windows tablets than you ever could do with the first generation tablets. Another key difference is the newer tablets have support capabilities for additional hardware. For instance, they can support TV tuners and printers. In addition, Windows tablets have touch screens that can be written on using a stylus. The stylus can be used just like a mouse so you can paste, copy, undo, delete, and scroll up or down. You can even cut text to use in a particular program or send via e-mail. Another feature of the windows tablet that distinguishes it from the earlier predecessors is the handwriting recognition technology that can be used for both text and numbers. Written numbers can be imported into a word processing program for easy and immediate storage.

Operating a Windows tablet can often seem like you are operating a mini desktop, as they are equipped with everything you need to do work that you would do on a desktop. Tablet buttons can be easily configured to do a number of particular tasks or key commands. A button can be assigned to open emails or specific programs. These new and improved tablets are the real deal. They are full functioning tools as they come with a hard drive, file system, storage, and plenty of capacity, giving users plenty of flexibility for work and fun.

Learn more about the latest Windows 7 tablet at - one of the largest producers of tablets and other mobile computing gadgets like ultrabooks and smart notebooks.

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Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The Best Linux Server Backup

You should look into Linux Server Backup to protect yourself from unforeseen data loss. Your data is the most important thing that you have in today's competitive world. Losing it would be disastrous for your business, as it would alienate your customers. Although data reliability has gone up in the last few years, natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes can threaten your information at any time during the year.

There are also risk factors which are not physical in nature. Your data can be affected by rogue software such as virus, worms and Trojans. It is also susceptible to hacking and other attempts at data manipulation by hackers. A good firewall definitely helps, but having backup solution will make sure that you have the latest records for security.

Linux offers a number of features that makes it the best solution for Linux server backup. The operating system has been built to be very stable and robust, allowing hosted websites to have very high up times. This flexibility allows advanced features to be available at free of cost. Major operating systems like Ubuntu, Red Hat and CentOS have web-based backup options available that let you carry out remote backups whenever you please.

The best thing about Linux is that it offers network encryption. As a matter of fact, this makes it very hard for hackers to break into your data. Most Linux distributions offer 256-bit network encryption and 256-bit AES storage encryption, along with unique security certificates, making your data secure from interception and attacks. These features also stop your data from leaking, ensuring peace of mind for you and your customers.
Another great thing about this backup solution is that it is highly scalable. It can adapt to any environment - from small-scale data to large-scale environments with petabytes of information. Your Linux server backup will be able to meet anything you can throw at it; it will process all data without a hitch.

These are some of the features that you should really look for in Linux backup solution. The operating system's kernel has been built from the ground up to be highly robust and scalable, handling anything you can give it. It is used actively around the world in a number of small and large-scale environments without any problems. It is also highly secure and will protect your Linux server backup from hackers and remote attacks, among other things.

Discover which Linux Server Backup has the "Must Have" features. Visit and find out what features are needed before you purchase any backup program. Try our Windows Server Backup Program "Absolutely Free" for 30 Days.

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What Is The Best FTP Server Software To Use?

If you're looking to find the best FTP server software available today then you're in luck because in this article I am going to disclose the most popular FTP server software for use today as well as some useful information that you need to be aware of when using an FTP server.

First of all why do we need FTP Server Software?

To start off with FTP server software is also referred to as an FTP client. FTP stands for file transfer protocol and is the method in which website owners use to upload, download and edit files on their website.
FTP is not the only way to carry out this task however it is the quickest because it connects your desktop with your website meaning that you don't have to even have a web browser to do the file transfer.
How do you use FTP?

Using FTP is very easy really and once you have the initial settings sorted out it is just a matter of dragging the files you want to upload from your desktop to your website. The hardest part of using FTP is the setup. In order to setup your FTP correctly you'll need to make sure that you have the host name for your website, the FTP username, FTP password and port name. These settings can be easily found in your w
ebsite hosting control panel or the hosting company will be able to easily supply you with the information.

So what is the best FTP software an why?

There are a lot of FTP server software programs online which you can download some are free and some are paid. What is most important for you to understand as you decide which FTP server software to use is that there is no difference in those FTP software's that are paid and those that are free when it comes to uploading content to your website (The function you need in an FTP). What this means is that if you just want to add and edit information on your website then a free FTP solution is all you need and Filezilla will do the job.

This article has been written by full time internet marketer Sam Bakker. To learn more about setting up a successful internet marketing marketing business that lasts you can download Sam's free internet business course at

However if you just want some additional information you can read an article by Sam on what the best FTP server software is.

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The Linux FTP Server Configuration Maintains the Originality of Your Data

The file transfer protocol (FTP) is used to transfer files in internet. With widespread use of internet and increase in volume of the file transfer, the chances of data loss or leakage of its content are on the rise during the transfer. The file transfer process uses a simple authentication method consisting of a log in user ID and a password that is not sufficient and reliable over the biggest network like internet and is always vulnerable to hackers and virus attacks. The Linux ftp server configuration makes sure the security of the sensitive information in these files by transferring in coded form to reach the destination without being tampered or intercepted on the way.

The Domain name system (DNS) translates a domain name or host name into corresponding internet protocol address that identifies and locates the computer systems and resources on the Internet. While browsing the Internet, if your computer shows DNS error or server not found message, then you will be confirmed that the server fails to resolve the IP address related to the supplied domain name. This may be due to the Internet connectivity problem on your side or it could be the problem with the web server that is hosting the website. The Linux DNS server configuration makes sure this error is not shown because of its secured and robust system platform that manages the load balancing and information processing very fast.
If you need a secure, faster and efficient remote solution to work from your home or business place or while on the move, then the Linux VNC (Virtual Network Computing) server could be the ideal solution. The server helps the users to be more productive by accessing the current applications on latest devices such as a pocket PC. The Linux VNC configuration allows users to remotely access servers and the applications over the internet or a local area network. This server provides support by accessing the clients' resources like local disk drives, printers, serial ports and many others. The Linux web server provides the flexibility to all its clients. The cost- effective solutions make sure the delivery of the applications and support across the network or organization to meet the diversified requirements without affecting the network resources or exposing the sensitive data.

The importance of getting synchronized time throughout a system or network cannot be ignored. The multiple devices within a network maintain exact the same time with the implementation of a Linux NTP (Network Time Protocol) server. The Linux NTP server configuration distributes the time to the computing devices within that network. Any other device that is connected to that network will be running at the same time that avoids the cost of maintaining a separate Time server. The Linux web server eliminates the confusion and discrepancies in variation of recording or monitoring the time in an organization like employee time card in an attendance machine. The clock displayed from computers becomes a common source of time for their users and the user does not need to look up at a wall clock since there is a time display on the computer screen.
linuxserverconfiguration, a top Linux web server hosting provider, has been offering the cheap Linux ftp server hosting solutions that perfectly match the clients' requirements for hosting, data storage and e-commerce. For further information, visit

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Friday, 8 February 2013

Anonymous Proxy and Anonymous Web Surfing: How Do These Work?


Use of an Anonymous Proxy plays a major part in how one can surf the web without fear of compromising privacy and security.. For practical reasons we may not have to worry about how this works. But for the sole reasons that it is actually important for our privacy and security on the internet and that it is actually a simple process, we need to understand it better. Simply put anonymous surfing is accomplished by using anonymous proxy servers. But for the purpose of understanding the value of going anonymous online, let us discuss how surfing the web anonymously works in a little more detail. This might eventually lead new Internet users to appreciate the reason why many internet users go for anonymous surfing and Internet privacy.

Let us start by us having our own IP address. This is our identity on the Internet. This is assigned to us by our Internet service provider (ISP). Your ISP knows your IP and your information. Once you browse online, you will be leaving behind a record with your ISP about which sites you visited, and other data that you acquire as you surf online. As you go through this process day by day, you will have made a log on about your frequently visited sites and your Internet behaviour or pattern. This will then make you a target for advertisements and unwanted traffic, pop-ups and cookies, which is annoying and dangerous.

These aren't the only inconveniences that will annoy you when your IP is out in the open. There are actually much more serious and harmful threats from malicious Internet users or hackers. If this happens, your whole Internet privacy may be violated. The hacker may try to steal or delete your login information(s) and passwords, or use your credit card numbers to take control of your financial transactions online. You may find your computer infected with hundreds of viruses and spyware. And the worst case scenario will be if the hacker decides to use your identity for his own nefarious designs. This is identity theft, and it is one of the most troublesome crimes of our times.

This is where web surfing with the use of proxy servers comes in. In surfing the web discretely, we are able to protect ourselves from the hackers and malicious criminals out to steal and abuse our identity and personal data. We conceal our identity, by frequent changes in our IP addresses, and simply browse through the Web without worrying that our location is transparent to most other Internet users. Not only will we be able to screen out unwanted advertisements and needless traffic, we will be able to avoid becoming victims of identity theft and other cyber crimes.

This is accomplished by using anonymous proxy servers at multiple locations and software that routes your internet connection through many of these serves. Thus hiding your IP and protecting yourself from hackers as well as not leaving a pattern of sites visited.

Other benefits of surfing anonymously aside from internet privacy include reduction of the risk of viruses, spyware, and as simple as it sounds, this is how effective and efficient anonymous web surfing works.
There are many benefits to using a private proxy, we just mentioned a couple in this article. Now that you know you are safer on the internet with surfing discretely with Proxy Servers go to the website and find out how you can browse the internet safely and securely. Check out now for free trial offers.

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How To Update Your Business Facebook Page From Your Android Mobile Phone

 facebook page fans

So, if you're like many users of an Android phone ("Droid") - I have a HTC EVO - you may have found it difficult to figure out how to update your business Facebook page via any of the available Facebook applications on your phone.

Many people resort to going to the web browser and taking the painstaking time to wait for new pages to load and slowly get to their business page to update it in their web browser on their mobile.
But... did you know there was an easier way?

It's so simple, you'll be shocked that you didn't do it sooner!
I'll walk you through step by step on how to make updating your Facebook Fan Page when on the go easy and fast!

I recommend following these 'setup' steps while at your computer and then you will be free and easy on your Droid mobile device

  1. First, you will want to login to Facebook just like you always do.
  2. Then, you will access your Fan Page by navigating on the left to your 'Pages' and then selecting the Fan Page you want to activate with your mobile device
  3. Once you are on your Fan Page, click 'edit page
  4. When you are in 'edit' mode on your Fan Page, you will have a navigation bar to your left. Click 'Mobile'
  5. You have some options and you can choose to setup one or more per your preference:
    • With Mobile Email - there is an email address listed with instructions to save it in your phone. With this unique email address you can simply update your Fan Page Status by sending an email to this address. The complete subject line is the post to your wall; if you want to upload an image you attach it to the email. The body of the email should be left blank (I have not tested this, but I would suggest deleting an automated signature if you use one on your phone, as the instructions indicate the body of the email should be blank)

    • With SMS Messaging - you can also setup SMS messaging and update your Facebook Fan Page by SMS Text. To do this, you will select "sign up for SMS," select your carrier, send a text message with the letter 'F' to Facebook at 32665 (FBOOK) *note the instructions may be confusing regarding the SMS number to text to as it is listed with (FBOOK) after the number; all you need to send to is the number 32665; you will get a message back with a code; enter the code; and you're activated! One important thing to note regarding the SMS Messaging is that if you set this up for your personal page, too, updates/posts via SMS will duplicate on your personal and your Fan Page. To avoid this, use SMS for only either your Fan Page or your Personal page (do not set it up for both)
  6. Lastly, send a test via your mobile Android to your Facebook Fan Page and see how it works!
 Have fun!
Christy Farris is founder of; a website administration and project management firm specializing in custom website design and programming; social networking, internet marketing, and more. Her passion is in technical and practical use of the web managing all aspects of your online presence, bringing clients' visions to presence online.

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