Modifier le fichier hosts original de Windows 7 pour bloquer les serveurs de validation distants
modifier fichier host windows 7
modifier fichier host windows
how modify hosts file in windows 7
how to edit hosts file in windows 7
-8 | 0xFFF8 | LZERROR_UNKNOWNALG | Compression algorithm not recognized. |
-7 | 0xFFF9 | LZERROR_BADVALUE | Input parameter out of acceptable range. |
-6 | 0xFFFA | LZERROR_GLOBLOCK | Bad global handle. |
-5 | 0xFFFB | LZERROR_GLOBALLOC | Insufficient memory for LZFile structure. |
-4 | 0xFFFC | LZERROR_WRITE | Out of space for output file. |
-3 | 0xFFFD | LZERROR_READ | Corrupt compressed file format. |
-2 | 0xFFFE | LZERROR_BADOUTHANDLE | Invalid output handle. |
-1 | 0xFFFF | LZERROR_BADINHANDLE | Invalid input handle. |
0L | 0×0000 | NO_ERROR | No error. |
0L | 0×0000 | ERROR_SUCCESS | The operation was successfully completed. |
1L | 0×0001 | ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION | The function is incorrect. |
2L | 0×0002 | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The system cannot find the file specified. |
3L | 0×0003 | ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND | The system cannot find the specified path. |
4L | 0×0004 | ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES | The system cannot open the file. |
5L | 0×0005 | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | Access is denied. |
6L | 0×0006 | ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE | The internal file identifier is incorrect. |
7L | 0×0007 | ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED | The storage control blocks were destroyed. |
8L | 0×0008 | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY | Not enough storage is available to process this command. |
9L | 0×0009 | ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK | The storage control block address is invalid. |
10L | 0x000A | ERROR_BAD_ENVIRONMENT | The environment is incorrect. |
11L | 0x000B | ERROR_BAD_FORMAT | An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. |
12L | 0x000C | ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS | The access code is invalid. |
13L | 0x000D | ERROR_INVALID_DATA | The data is invalid. |
14L | 0x000E | ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY | Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. |
15L | 0x000F | ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE | The system cannot find the specified drive. |
16L | 0×0010 | ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY | The directory cannot be removed. |
17L | 0×0011 | ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE | The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive. |
18L | 0×0012 | ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES | There are no more files. |
19L | 0×0013 | ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT | The media is write protected. |
20L | 0×0014 | ERROR_BAD_UNIT | The system cannot find the specified device. |
21L | 0×0015 | ERROR_NOT_READY | The drive is not ready. |
22L | 0×0016 | ERROR_BAD_COMMAND | The device does not recognize the command. |
23L | 0×0017 | ERROR_CRC | Data error (cyclic redundancy check). |
24L | 0×0018 | ERROR_BAD_LENGTH | The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect. |
25L | 0×0019 | ERROR_SEEK | The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk. |
26L | 0x001A | ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK | The specified disk cannot be accessed. |
27L | 0x001B | ERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND | The drive cannot find the requested sector. |
28L | 0x001C | ERROR_OUT_OF_PAPER | The printer is out of paper. |
29L | 0x001D | ERROR_WRITE_FAULT | The system cannot write to the specified device. |
30L | 0x001E | ERROR_READ_FAULT | The system cannot read from the specified device. |
31L | 0x001F | ERROR_GEN_FAILURE | A device attached to the system is not functioning. |
32L | 0×0020 | ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION | The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. |
33L | 0×0021 | ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION | The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. |
34L | 0×0022 | ERROR_WRONG_DISK | The wrong disk is in the drive. Insert %2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) into drive %1. |
36L | 0×0023 | ERROR_SHARING_BUFFER_EXCEEDED | Too many files opened for sharing. |
38L | 0×0024 | ERROR_HANDLE_EOF | Reached End Of File. |
39L | 0×0025 | ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL | The disk is full. |
50L | 0×0032 | ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED | The network request is not supported. |
51L | 0×0033 | ERROR_REM_NOT_LIST | The remote computer is not available. |
52L | 0×0034 | ERROR_DUP_NAME | A duplicate name exists on the network. |
53L | 0×0035 | ERROR_BAD_NETPATH | The network path was not found. |
54L | 0×0036 | ERROR_NETWORK_BUSY | The network is busy. |
55L | 0×0037 | ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST | The specified network resource is no longer available. |
56L | 0×0038 | ERROR_TOO_MANY_CMDS | The network BIOS command limit has been reached. |
57L | 0×0039 | ERROR_ADAP_HDW_ERR | A network adapter hardware error occurred. |
58L | 0x003A | ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP | The specified server cannot perform the requested operation. |
59L | 0x003B | ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR | An unexpected network error occurred. |
60L | 0x003C | ERROR_BAD_REM_ADAP | The remote adapter is not compatible. |
61L | 0x003D | ERROR_PRINTQ_FULL | The printer queue is full. |
62L | 0x003E | ERROR_NO_SPOOL_SPACE | Space to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server. |
63L | 0x003F | ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED | File waiting to be printed was deleted. |
64L | 0×0040 | ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED | The specified network name is no longer available. |
65L | 0×0041 | ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED | Network access is denied. |
66L | 0×0042 | ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE | The network resource type is incorrect. |
67L | 0×0043 | ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME | The network name cannot be found. |
68L | 0×0044 | ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMES | The name limit for the local computer network adapter card exceeded. |
69L | 0×0045 | ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESS | The network BIOS session limit exceeded. |
70L | 0×0046 | ERROR_SHARING_PAUSED | The remote server is paused or is in the process of being started. |
71L | 0×0047 | ERROR_REQ_NOT_ACCEP | The network request was not accepted. |
72L | 0×0048 | ERROR_REDIR_PAUSED | The specified printer or disk device has been paused. |
80L | 0×0050 | ERROR_FILE_EXISTS | The file exists. |
82L | 0×0052 | ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE | The directory or file cannot be created. |
83L | 0×0053 | ERROR_FAIL_I24 | Fail on INT 24. |
84L | 0×0054 | ERROR_OUT_OF_STRUCTURES | Storage to process this request is not available. |
85L | 0×0055 | ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED | The local device name is already in use. |
86L | 0×0056 | ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD | The specified network password is incorrect. |
87L | 0×0057 | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | The parameter is incorrect. |
88L | 0×0058 | ERROR_NET_WRITE_FAULT | A write fault occurred on the network. |
89L | 0×0059 | ERROR_NO_PROC_SLOTS | The system cannot start another process at this time. |
100L | 0×0064 | ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEMAPHORES | Cannot create another system semaphore. |
101L | 0×0065 | ERROR_EXCL_SEM_ALREADY_OWNED | The exclusive semaphore is owned by another process. |
102L | 0×0066 | ERROR_SEM_IS_SET | The semaphore is set and cannot be closed. |
103L | 0×0067 | ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEM_REQUESTS | The semaphore cannot be set again. |
104L | 0×0068 | ERROR_INVALID_AT_INTERRUPT_TIME | Cannot request exclusive semaphores at interrupt time. |
105L | 0×0069 | ERROR_SEM_OWNER_DIED | The previous ownership of this semaphore has ended. |
106L | 0x006A | ERROR_SEM_USER_LIMIT | Insert the disk for drive 1. |
107L | 0x006B | ERROR_DISK_CHANGE | Program stopped because alternate disk was not inserted. |
108L | 0x006C | ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED | The disk is in use or locked by another process. |
109L | 0x006D | ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE | The pipe was ended. |
110L | 0x006E | ERROR_OPEN_FAILED | The system cannot open the specified device or file. |
111L | 0x006F | ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW | The file name is too long. |
112L | 0×0070 | ERROR_DISK_FULL | There is not enough space on the disk. |
113L | 0×0071 | ERROR_NO_MORE_SEARCH_HANDLES | No more internal file identifiers available. |
114L | 0×0072 | ERROR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE | The target internal file identifier is incorrect. |
117L | 0×0075 | ERROR_INVALID_CATEGORY | The IOCTL call made by the application program is incorrect. |
118L | 0×0076 | ERROR_INVALID_VERIFY_SWITCH | The verify-on-write switch parameter value is incorrect. |
119L | 0×0077 | ERROR_BAD_DRIVER_LEVEL | The system does not support the requested command. |
120L | 0×0078 | ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | The Application Program Interface (API) entered will only work in Windows/NT mode. |