My beloved Galaxy Tab 7 (OG) was the original reason I started building Sapir, well - the second reason. The real first reason was a missing field in the email app in CM10.
I just couldn't get along with the fact that meeting times were usually missing from the invitation messages and I had to fix it.
Then, I decided to breathe some life into my old Samsung Galaxy Tab 7". Now - it's just like having a cheap, but useful, Nexus 7 wannabe. My users also seem happy with that and especially with the fact I decided to keep the partition layout.
But - a few days ago - the builds for the Galaxy Tab started to lose stability - at least for some users. As a developer, one of the most frustrating situations is not being able to reproduce bugs reported by your users. Before going into a real frenzy, though, I'm simply going to dump the biggest change - I'm going to revert to CM kernel and see if the stability returns.
Worry not, this is only applicable to the GT builds, not to the other devices.
And now, speaking of devices, I just got the AT&T variant of the Samsung Galaxy S III - so my Galaxy Nexus is going to lie low for a while. I just built a Sapir for that - but it's still missing the camera stuff, so I'd wait a bit if I were you.
Builds are running as I write, so nightlies are coming soon.
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