Sunday, 25 January 2015
Episode 035: There Was Only Two
The 35th show of the Geeks Amok Podcast is done and is officially in the history books!
Episode 35 is out and is the second show of the New Year with Frank and LeRoy. Unfortunately no one else wanted to join us! We discuss the usual geek topics and some flashback moments.
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Monday, 19 January 2015
Episode 034: The Return Of The Geeks

The 34th show of the Geeks Amok Podcast is done and is officially in the history books!
Episode 34 is out and is the first show of the New Year with Frank and LeRoy. We welcome another fan of the show who is guest co-hosting with us, Scott!
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Friday, 9 January 2015
What Is Hard Reset Android?
Android itself owns three parts of memories which are system storage, internal storage, and SDCard storage (/ext-sd). So if you perform a hard reset toward your Android device then all data (photos, game data, files) within internal storage will be deleted.
Therefore before you perform a hard reset activity toward your device, make sure you firstly take off your microSD then check your gallery to make sure the photos and gallery are still there or not. If there are, then move them to your memory card before hard-resetting activity is performed.
Preparation before hard-resetting your Android.
- Make sure you have moved your photos, pictures, musics or other data from your internal memory to your memory card.
- Make sure you have backup all necessary data. Why you need backups? Well if something went awfully bad afterward then you can restore to previous condition.
- Make sure you battery power is sufficient because sky will fall if your device suddenly shutting down during hard-reset.
How to backup before hard resetting your Android device.
- Backup your contacts -> Open Settings -> Synchronize (Sync). Sync contact via Gmail or open the Contact app itself, then tap on Menu -> Export to Sdcard, move contact backup file (.vcf extension) to your Memory card. After you have finished hard resetting your device then you can restore your contacts by going to Menu then choose Import from SDCard.
- Backup your SMS -> Backing up SMS can be done by using an app namely SMS BACKUP & Restore. Be sure the backup is also being moved to SDCard before hard resetting your device.
Sure, but this kind of backup can only be performed if your Android phone is rooted. If you have a rooted phone then you can backup a certain app or game by using a popular app like Titanium Backup. Thus if you wish to use the app you get to firstly root your Android OS.
Definition, Function And What Is Root Android?
The definition of root.
Root is an account system that has absolute control to access and execute all files, commands and systems within the Linux based operating system. To short the story, root has unlimited access and can alter, delete, add, or even corrupt everything inside your Android phone system.
In other word root Android means to hack your device's system for us (as the owner) to have full access to the root account, so we will be the real ruler of our own device.
What is the function of root Android?
The function of rooting an Android is to grant a full right to user to access their Android's system. By rooting, a user can add, reduce and modify the files or data stored within the Android system. The capability can not be enjoyed if your phone is not rooted. Just like in Windows operating system, we need to have administrator right to do things forbidden to regular users.
Why you should root your Android device?
The reason people root their Android are to enjoy these things;
- To have an unlimited access to their Android system.
- To install apps on memory card and install any apps that require root access.
- To uninstall all the apps planted by your device's vendors and carriers -- most of the apps are useless and eat many spaces of your phone. Therefore it's better to get rid of them once for all.
- To backup app and system.
- To install Android custom ROM -- the non-official ROMs released by Android third-parties developers to enrich our Android device's environment and boost up our Android capabilities.
- To have a full access to files of Android system.
- To overclock processor entirely to improve our Android performances (this will also drain your battery rapidly).
The easiest way to root Android is using SuperOneClick, this freeware can run on either Windows or Linux (Ubuntu and Debian) operating system.
SuperOneClick can be downloaded on XDA developers forum or
That's all about root Android and what exactly is. If you have any question then do not be shy to reveal it on the provided comment area.
Useful post activate developer options and enable USB debugging on all Android versions.
Tools to root Android.
Here are the names of rooting tools that are commonly used by Android users, and I have compiled two lists to separate which tool that requires the involvement of a computer and which that don't.Root tools names that don't require the use of computer.
Using the following tools you don't need a computer to root your Android device all the rooting process can be performed directly on your smartphone or tablet. The name of root tools are.
- Framaroot. (Learn to root and unroot Android with Framaroot).
- Towelroot (learn to root Android using Towelroot).
- Weaksauce. (Learn to root Android with Weaksauce).
- iRoot. (Learn to root Android without PC using iRoot).
- Root Genius Mobile. (Learn to root Android with Root Genius Mobile app).
- Kingroot. (Learn to root Android without computer using KingRoot).
- Baidu Easy Root.
- Key Root Master.
- Assistant Root.
- 360 Root.
- Stump Root.
- Zenfone Root.
- Weak Sauce.
Well if your device aren't supported with the above tools, that means you will need a computer to perform rooting and then you can utilize the following root tool to bring root access to your Android smartphone or tablet.
- CF-Auto-Root. (Learn on how to root Android using Chainfire & Odin).
- SuperOneClick.
- Baidu Root.
- Root Genius.
- Wondershare MobileGo
- Kingo Root.
Of course the simpler process is by rooting Android without pc, it's not every time we sit at computer, thus having to connect our phone to computer for downloading and installing the root app can be a problem if for some condition we are far from computer. But still the rooting process using a computer is fast too. That's all explanation about what is root Android. Hope you found this post useful.
Monday, 5 January 2015
Amazon Deal of the Day: Marvel's Avengers [Two Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo] – $17.21 + FREE Shipping

List Price:
When Thor's evil brother, Loki (Tom Hiddleston), gains access to the unlimited power of the energy cube called the Tesseract, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), director of SHIELD, initiates a superhero recruitment effort to defeat the unprecedented threat to Earth. Joining Fury's "dream team" are Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner).
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Amazon Deal of the Day: Cowboy Bebop: The Complete Series [Blu-ray] – $41.99 + FREE Shipping

List Price:
Explore the far reaches of the galaxy in this undeniably hip series that inspired a generation – and redefined anime as an indisputable art form. The Bebop crew is just trying to make a buck. This motely lot of intergalactic loners teams up to track down fugitives and turn them in for cold hard cash. Spike is a hero whose cool façade hides a dark and deadly past. The pilot Jet is a bruiser of a brute who can’t wait to collect the next bounty. Faye Valentine is a femme fatale prone to breaking hearts and separating fools from their money. Along for the ride are the brilliant, but weird, hacker Ed and a super-genius Welsh Corgi named Ein. On their own, any one of them is likely to get lost in the sprawl of space, but together, they’re they most entertaining gang of bounty hunters in the year 2071.