Well it was only a matter of time before something went wrong. We went 20 weeks without an issue and Sunday it was a bad one. Most of you have probably noticed, but our feed did not update this Sunday morning like it should have.
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Monday, 30 June 2014
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Episode 015: Super Random Geek Fashion

The 15th show of the Geeks Amok Podcast is done and is officially in the history books!
What a great podcast this was! Many rants, uncontrollable laughter and random stuff. I guess without Rob on the show, things get crazy! Read more »
Saturday, 28 June 2014
Riptapparel.com Graveyard Favorites
This episode was crazy. We were all over the place and it started with the Riptapparel.com website. The shirts I was looking at were in the Graveyard section that is basically retired and no longer for sale. Since I couldn't stop laughing during the cast, here are the ones I liked best (while just scanning the 25 pages I went through) and decided to share with the fans. I could have kept going, but obviously didn't...
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Monday, 23 June 2014
What the Tech!?...It's Tech News!
This week on The Geeks Amok Podcast Frank, Rob and Leroy attempted to give some tech news. But alas it was a short discussion that lacked in details and actually knowledge you want to know. Suck it! Aside from the part where Frank talked about upskirt photos. Suck it Again!! I take full blame for this as I was on a secret mission I couldn't be pulled away. In all fairness I was asleep after being up 40 hours straight I felt it more important to sleep and have my mind fully ready to continue to submit "My" Articles on a regular basis...Cough Cough suck it thrice!
Sunday, 22 June 2014
Episode 014: What Really Happened To Harrison Ford

The 14th show of the Geeks Amok Podcast is done and is officially in the history books!
We are back to the original show format. E3 was an ok turn out, but nothing to exciting. Hope every Geek Dad out there had a great Father's Day weekend last week. Let us know what made your day great! Read more »
Friday, 20 June 2014
E3 Recap
E3 has come and gone but don't fret because I'm going to do a little recap of all the greatness that graced the big stage in LA, So lets get to it.
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Steam News 6/2014
The great minds at Valve have figured out another way to save you money on Steam while sucking more of it out of your pocket than ever before: "Buy Orders," a standing order to buy "commodity items" at or below a particular price.
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Sequels, Necessary or the Death of Imagination
With the slew of sequels that have been pouring out of Hollywood and game studios recently I wanted to touch on the idea behind sequels. For years sequels have been the continuation of something from the original idea. Kind of like "the continuing adventures of" whatever the original idea was. Recently released "How to Train Your Dragon 2" was a sequel to the Dreamworks hit and has been one of the few to have broken the barrier between what I think of as "continuation" and "progression". I think that the key to a great sequel is that the characters and story from the original movie or game needs to progress and show a new aspect of the people in it. Something that brings you in deeper and wants you to know more about them. I think that the sequel needs to almost be able to stand alone as a story unto itself. The characters are introduced in the original and they have a story but the sequel needs to be a new story and deepens the relationship between the core characters. I think that Dreamworks has figured this formula out because both the Dragon series and the Kung Fu Panda series both follow this formula, almost to the point that the sequel is better than the original. I think that other movie franchises could stand to take a look at this and learn better how to present and write sequels so that we are not looking at the same stories that have already been told but new adventures that involve the same characters but with a deeper look into them and what makes them so intriguing.
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Wednesday, 18 June 2014
The Glorious PC Gaming Master Race: Public Service Announcement!
Guide to a Every Person's Gaming Rig!
Now that I have your attention! This is your guide to Building yourself a PC for you or someone else to build for you. On Episode 13 we talked about E3 and the exclusives that each platform offered. Touching quite a bit on PC gaming. But as intrigueing as the concept of walking away from a "easy" ticket to gaming this article will walk you through what it takes to put your gaming future in your own hands and build your very own PC which reflects you, not what gaming companies want you to use. You'll get the basics on how to look for, what to watch out for and what to consider when planning your Rig.
Sunday, 15 June 2014
Geeks Amok Fresh Meat
Hi, my name is Justin and I'm a geek. I've been this way for several (and i mean several) years and I'm proud of it. I'm new and I will be posting on different topics such as the latest gaming news and possibly reviews of some of the latest games. I will give my complete honest opinion on the things I write about and complete facts about games like pros and cons, because lets be honest, every game has its flaws no matter how huge the game is. Now I'm not gonna be Debbie downer or anything but if you purchase a game after I've written about it, then just don't blame me..... blame Joe Clatch.Read more »
Episode 13: E3 All Up In Your Face

The 13th show of the Geeks Amok Podcast is done and is officially in the history books!
Happy Father's Day to all the Geek Dads out there! This weeks episode is all about E3 and the usual off track randomness that occurs. Read more »
Dying LIght or Dying Genre
First of all thanks to IGN for the 12 minutes of gameplay footage. In this weeks Podcast the question was asked are Zombie game over used? In my opinion I say no. I don't think have captured the expierence completely and lets be honest here. When The Walking Dead isn't Best show on TV and millions of people don't watch it anymore than yes it's done and we shouldn't see anymore zombie content for a while.
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Review: Battlefield Hardline Beta
Within a twenty four hour period I have lost sleep to play this beta. Having seen the movie Heat before hand made it that much better. I for the most part played on mode, Heist.
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Monday, 9 June 2014
Batman Arkham Knight Battle Batmobile Awesomeness!!
I don't know about you guys but this looks pretty impressive I know it's for PlayStation 4 and I'm a PC gamer but I know that PC is going to be just as good. Also the city looks massive compared to Arkham City and Arkham Origins does. What do you guys think give me some input.
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Friday, 6 June 2014
Net Neutrality and Big Cable Companies
Ever since I can remember the internet was a form of communication to access information from the World Wide Web. You couldn't send an email, chat with your friends through Instant Message, surf the web or even post comments on peoples ridiculous content online without being connected to the internet. Sure a lot has changed since the founding of the internet, but so has technology for Gas, Electric, Phone and Television Companies. However, the Cable companies are crying wolf because they want the Internet to be treated like Cable Channels. They want you to pay for "channels/categories" of internet content on top of paying for connecting to the internet. The reason behind this - Video Steaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc..
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Wednesday, 4 June 2014
PC Gaming News Vol.1 Topic:Steam Today and The Media Center!
Greeting and salutations PC Gamers! Welcome to PC Gaming News a Monthly Segment which will keep you up to date on the technology behind Steam and the up and coming Technologies you need to know about.

First things first what is Steam anyway? Steam is a client program for your PC that allows you to purchase and download games from developers. The purchased games are store on Steam's servers until such a time you want to download and play them. a The Benefit of Steam is that it give the consumer options to purchase the games you love. Buy it on day one or wait a bit for it to go on special and get a respectable discount. On many occasions Steam offers some games of the older variety at 85% off. Including entire franchises. If your not using Steam and your a PC gamer your missing out. Enough of the download lets get into some of the future coming to many homes in the next few years.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution Announced!
The next iteration of the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm will arrive this fall. Titled Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution the story appears to center on the formation and the early days of the Akatsuki as well as the early days of Itachi and his best friend Shisui before the events that led to Itachi leaving the leaf village.
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Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Review: WatchDogs
This week, now that I have had a chance to dig into WatchDogs I think it's time for a review. Your Eye orbs will thank you. Starting out this game began with frustration. The Tutorial was a pain in the dick, it doesn't really explain the control all that well. Luckily it was relatively short. As always don't take what I'm saying to heart here with the beginning of this review because lets face the harsh truth. Tutorial are the bane of most gamers existences but they are a necessary evil to grab a more diverse gamer. That being said lets move on to the meat and potatoes.
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Monday, 2 June 2014
Mortal Kombat X: Announcement Trailer Released
From the opening to the end of the trailer is pure awesomeness. It seems the whole trailer is an actual match between Sub-Zero and Scorpion. It starts with a cinematic entrance that flawlessly blends into the start of the fight with the Lengen - wait for it - dary "Fight" being broadcast-ed to start the match. It looks like Mortal Kombat is getting Environmental weapons and moves to use against your opponent in the latest installment. From the video it shows Matrix-like cut scenes for Critical Hits (ie..bone breaking x-rays and dislocations). It seems like there might be super special moves as well. Sub-Zero is showing off a charged up Ice Blast. Don't even get me started on how great the "Who's Next" track from Wiz Khalifa sounds playing in the background of the video. However I am upset that they show Sub-Zero losing and being decapitated, but it was done in style this time with Scorpion throwing his axe to pin (and what appears to be the final blow) Sub-Zero's head to the tree. Read more »
Sunday, 1 June 2014
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